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Old 07-27-2005, 09:57 AM
Jonesy Jonesy is offline
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The Sturgis bike rally is here again.

I can't believe that another year has past and the rally is here again. People are already pouring in and vendors are scrambling to get set up. We are still a couple of weeks away from the rally, but it is already getting more difficult to get around in town. This will be my 38th Sturgis rally and races. I kind of cheated though, I was born and raised in Sturgis.

Growing up, the Rally was a couple thousand hard core bikers camping on the East end of the City park. Now it's hundreds of thousands all over the Northern Black Hills. There are still a few hard core bikers, but for the most part it's a yuppie convention.

I just hope If I get arrested for having too much fun that it's from a friend. I know that Nulle will be watching for me! One of these days the Chief is not going to let me go while shaking his head. You only get so many get out of jail free cards. But, the rally only comes once a year and I don't get into trouble otherwise. The local cops take me with a grain of salt and the part-timers take me literally, to jail that is! Haaa Haaa Haaaa!
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Old 07-27-2005, 10:12 AM
DaMadman DaMadman is offline
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Re: The Sturgis bike rally is here again.

Originally posted by Jonesy
I can't believe that another year has past and the rally is here again. People are already pouring in and vendors are scrambling to get set up. We are still a couple of weeks away from the rally, but it is already getting more difficult to get around in town. This will be my 38th Sturgis rally and races. I kind of cheated though, I was born and raised in Sturgis.

Growing up, the Rally was a couple thousand hard core bikers camping on the East end of the City park. Now it's hundreds of thousands all over the Northern Black Hills. There are still a few hard core bikers, but for the most part it's a yuppie convention.

I just hope If I get arrested for having too much fun that it's from a friend. I know that Nulle will be watching for me! One of these days the Chief is not going to let me go while shaking his head. You only get so many get out of jail free cards. But, the rally only comes once a year and I don't get into trouble otherwise. The local cops take me with a grain of salt and the part-timers take me literally, to jail that is! Haaa Haaa Haaaa!
Man it is hard to believe it has been another year since Nulle was talking about the Rally. I hope you have fun and don't get locked up for too long
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Old 07-27-2005, 01:02 PM
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I've got a buddy near Custer, he locks his doors and goes on vacation for a couple weeks, Washington state this year.

Have fun and try to keep it down to a howl.
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Old 07-27-2005, 11:09 PM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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No Pepper spray this year Jonesy = can you say "TAZER" lmao
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Old 07-28-2005, 05:49 AM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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Nulle, is that the new three mode taser??????????
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
WOW.....WHAT A RIDE.......
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Old 07-28-2005, 06:16 AM
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I went to the rally last year. I did not have fun.

I ride a Handa Valkyrie... so I was constantly having to show those loud a$$ Harleys how fast a quiet Honda can be. Especially out in the hills.

I am just too old for all that crap.

ya'll have fun.

PS I will be 37 in August.

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Old 07-28-2005, 07:43 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Toooooooo old ? Heck man I am 57 and love it ! My work bike is a Harley with red lights but "MY" bike is a vintage 1979 yamaha 1100 that will blow the paint right off those pipeless Harleys.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
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Old 07-28-2005, 08:54 AM
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Yeah Nulle. I just don't like the crowds... I am not a partyer... and the LOUD pipes give me a headache.

I was riding there last year with friends of a friend. I was on my Valk, 2 up with the ol'lady and there were a couple of guys on modded HD's. One on an Ultra-Classic, and the other on a Duece. We were en'route to Devils Tower. The leader of the group was on a Road King with 155K on the clock and He'd ride it too. Well, I did a roll on in 5th gear and passed the UC and Duece to keep up with the leader on the Road King. They rolled on... then down shifted and still could not keep me from pulling away on my stock Valkyrie. My wife was about 260 at the time too and I am over 300. It was uphill as well.

Neither of those guys rode with us anymore after that.

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Old 08-01-2005, 06:33 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Kind of brings up an interesting point on this Rally in that I could never figure out what the hurry was for some of them to be going that fast on roads they are not used to and the "flat landers" trying to make mountain curves ect.
Don't get me wrong I love going fast but good greif some of them really outdo it and then we are out there scraping whats left up.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
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Old 08-01-2005, 06:49 AM
Andy L Andy L is offline
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A pile of them just left here, Lake of the Ozarks. I got a few on bond.

Hells Angels and the Gooses from all over were here, along with some smaller outfits. Pretty wild time, from what I could gather from the jails. Good for business though.

They left a few here though, Nulle. A couple just werent bondable, no matter how hard I tried. They had money and all, just, wow. I wasnt about to write them, and neither were any other bondsmen.

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Old 08-01-2005, 03:08 PM
billy ahring billy ahring is offline
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Andy, that was quite a sight

I was working at the lake on Friday and the whole place was a constant roar from all the bikes. It was pretty awesome. Every one of the guys I talked to as I was delivering a lot of the bars and grills were very polite and were amused at the huge Hiway Patrol presence. I'm sure they are used to it there is a certain aura that follows the Hell's Angels. Sorry to hear that some of their brotherhood got into trouble because a lot of the ones I bumped into were perfect gentlemen. Most of the ones I talked with were from Ohio and the Carolinas

I too ride a Harley and have more than a few tattoos, but I have no desire to live the stereotypical Hell's Angel lifestyle. I suspect that a lot of those guys are model citizens in their everyday lives, they just happen to belong to a club or gang if you will that has a colorful past that lends itself to the outlaw image.

I must also say that I have a lot of respect for those guys and their dedication to throwing a leg over their scoot and head'in out across the country. There's no way I wanna ride my boneshaker even half that far. That's a surefire recipe for a achy back and a good case of monkey butt. the way if you ever see a U.S Foodservice truck at Angus's Steakhouse there in Eldon on a Friday afternoon stop by and say hey it'll be me. It would be cool to meet. Maybe we can get together this winter and do some varmint hunting


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