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Old 10-25-2005, 09:17 AM
dovehunter dovehunter is offline
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Whatever Happened to Hunting Firearms Board?

I know this may be spam and, if so, please accept my appologies and (Mr. Moderator) feel free to erase it. Does anyone know what happened to the "Hunting Firearms" board? It just went off without any kind of explanation a couple of months ago and has never come back up.
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Old 10-25-2005, 10:50 AM
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We had something like that happen here many moons ago. We tend to call it the Great Black Out. Luckily, the mods had exchanged some phone numbers and ICQ numbers so we were still able to keep in touch. As you can see, this board came back up, with many thanks to Petey.

I hope your board comes back too, but in the meantime I think you will find this to be a great site.

I take it you like to hunt doves. Me too. I have been hunting twice so far this year and those two days were opening day of dove season and the day after. I am waiting for the season to come back in the middle of November. If you want to read about my two days, they are posted in the Upland forum.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 10-25-2005, 12:07 PM
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I don't know anything about that other board, but then I don't have time to look at many others besides this one, LOL!

Boards come and go. They aren't free, and despite the best of intentions, some board owners just can't keep them running. At least this one's on firm footing and solidly supported by good sponsors.

(Oh, and it wasn't spam. How else or where else would you ask? In their absence, I hope you become a regular here. Welcome aboard!)
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Old 10-28-2005, 08:56 PM
McPat McPat is offline
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Wasn't that Don Goin's board? I know he passed on and I think his wife tried to keep the board going, but I think it just kind of faded away. Anyone who knows better, please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Old 10-29-2005, 12:12 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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Hunting Firearms is again up and running. It was down for quite a while so may take a some time to get its numbers back up. After Don Goins passed away Tom took over the board for a year or so. Now Purebred Redneck is runing it, and making a great effort. Yeah I guess these things come and go. Hopefully this one will be around for awhile. There's a nice bunch of guys there.
Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 10-29-2005, 02:23 PM
Kragman71 Kragman71 is offline
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I was a member at,and ,after reading your post,I typed it in.
The responce was that the domain had expired on 10/08/05.
How can I access the site?
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Old 11-07-2005, 11:32 PM
Purebred Redneck Purebred Redneck is offline
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Kragman, this is a temporary site we are using. I'm hoping to get a permenant one set up in due time. I sent everyone emails but some of them came back to me.

McPat, yes Goins died. Another guy took it over for a couple years. I wouldn't say it died, I would just say it didn't grow. It took time and money and the other guy didn't want to contribute any. As Rocky said, it takes a lot to get something like this running and making it grow. Huntchat has always been able to do this (largely because of the prevouis owner - I guess that's both good and bad... ) Compitition gettting harder too - there are ALOT of boards out there. Anytime spend on another board is time away from the other. I don't know the future of hunting forums - I suspect the big ones like HC are going to continue to grow in large numbers. I think the small ones are going to keep small and then eventually die out over a series of years. Perhaps rocky and petey have some opinions on this.

I was just checking african hunting real quick. It's been a while since I've been on. Although I haven't been here much since MarkO kicked all of us out in 2001, it's good to see things are still busy here.

I wish rocky and petey continued luck.
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Old 11-08-2005, 07:57 AM
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You too, PBR. There's room for us all, just like there's room for Mom and Pop diners as well as Denny's.

The reason many things fail (not just chat boards) is because the owner just wants to take, take, take. If you aren't willing to put back most of what accrues, the thing is doomed to die of starvation. No enterprise is easy, and none will serve as a source of both instant and permanent wealth.
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