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Old 12-30-2005, 11:27 AM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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can i live without the 270wsm???????????????????????

bare with me im thinking out loud here.

there seems to be a battle going in my head latly, im debateing with myself over the 270win and 270wsm. i had it in my head that haveing 270win along side 270wsm just would not make sence and i could do all i wanted with the 270win. how wrong i was

but then the nagging voice keeps saying but man remember how those 140gr bullets shot so good out of the wsm case and are faster than the 270win shooting 130s. they also have very high bc but not much higher than the 130s.

then it comes down to use. the 270win i see as a 3-9 powerd rifle used for all around hunting close to mid range 250 ish being about the furthest id want to go. i get the blah this boreing sensation with this caliber. maybe blowing out the 270case would fire up my intrest in the rifle, but why.

it seems most acurate loads useing 140gr bullets in the 270win are in the 2600-2800 ballpark while the wsm 140 acurate loads are 2900-3200 (most falling in the 3000-3100 and some change)

in all reality on game the little bit of advantage the wsm has will be unoticed, but the caliber has the flare im looking for. im wanting a strickly long range(not beyond 500yd) hunting rifle. i think my purchase of winchester 270wsm cases and 140gr bares tripple shock bullets i made yesterday enfasizes that i just dont think i can live without the one other best 277 caliber around. the 270wsm

i think im going to trade my life long companion in on a 270wsm of some make or style once i figure that out(a hint of sarcasm there, the 270 was gift from dad when i was little and will be with me forever)

the wsm is alive and living in me the bite that the first wsm rifle put on me must be swelled and getting agravated. as ive decided i just dont think i can live without it.

thanks for listening.

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Old 12-30-2005, 12:36 PM
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Don't mess around with a .270WSM get a .338 RUM and call it a day! I did and I have no regrets!
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Old 12-30-2005, 01:22 PM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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short answer to the question

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Old 12-30-2005, 01:36 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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im kinda set in my ways though i dont know much about the RUM calibers i do theyre big kick hard and burn lots of powder.

the biggest kicker ive ever tried was 300winny, i no longer have the rifle and have stepped up to a 3006 that handles my shoulder much better.
i kinda like small diameter bullets to.

from my limited exsperince the wsm's have just seemed to get along with me. atleast the small pill cases. ive never fired a 300fatty, it may more than i like.

i watched a guy shoot bout an 8" group at 100yds with 338win one time, actualy watched him do this several times. he looked kinda like rag doll be flung around like a cat. i think his shoulder was blood shot when he was done. veins popn out and red and blue all over.

i had pushed off few groups through my 25 and quit to watch him. he offerd me his 338 to try and i proply replied. i you bleeep bleeeeeeep bleeeeeeeep insane. i wouldnt touch that thing if my life depended on it.

a sore shoulder just aint worth it to me.

though if the range was longer than 500yds and the terrian was bubble flat then id pack aig caliber on my atv, weighing at 15lbs. i think rifles cant weigh over 16lbs and legaly be used to hunt big game with in our state.

ohhhhhh but the 8mmwsm does look interesting. interesting it is i just cant seem to find a use for anything bigger than my 3006 for hunting idahos big game.

i am by no means purposly trying to go out at shoot game at 500yds. ill by all means capable get closer if i can, but id like to have rifle caliber and shooter(me) capable if that is the only shot avaialble.
id like to have practiced practiced reloaded practiced, killed varmits like crazy practice. took deer at 100yds 50 200 300 400s getn real long, and possibly 500 when im ready.

i am prone to flinch the flinch was imbedded in me at young age by my dads 3006 and 270 that flinch is all but gone now at least i call it gone. i see big boomer doing nothing but bad for me. i fear the flinch as much as i do the pain

okay this is scareing me im gona go shoot my 22lr now.

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Old 12-30-2005, 01:36 PM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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longer answer

Unless you get unusual amounts of pleasure from splitting hairs, yes.
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Old 12-30-2005, 02:04 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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that would very well be the case, ive often wonderd why i cant decide wether to load loads for the 2506 or 220 when i sit down at the reloading bench.

i guess i do love splitting hairs. and i love rifles
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Old 12-30-2005, 04:21 PM
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I feel bad for the guy that was shoot the .338 Win Mag no one should be shooting a rifle that only gets 8in groups. My .338 RUM and I went out 2 days ago with a box 225gr Hornady Interlocks leaving at 3100fps. Together we turned out 2 groups at 3/4" and 1 at 1/2" I was happy with that.
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Old 12-30-2005, 04:49 PM
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I have no problem living without any of the short mags. For me, a 'short action' shows no benefit, nor does the shorter case.
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Old 12-30-2005, 05:23 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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don't know about anybody else, but to answer the question, YEEEEEEEEEEES.





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Old 12-31-2005, 12:05 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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i may have exzagerated alittle when i stated he was shooting 8" groups. with a caliber like that id be happy with 2" groups he wasnt shooting that good.
i doubted it was the rifle that was at fault with the large groups. i contemplated seeing if i could squeeze his groups down but quickly changed my mind, theres no reason in the world for me to take that kinda abuse.

as far as living without the wsm, i guess i could live without but then i wouldnt have any exscuse to get another rifle nor. the wsm 270 just calls my name and i want it nad. plus ive got bullets cases and dies already so why not give it a go. i do not have 270win dies nor have i ever loaded for it.

i realy wish the rifle wasnt a gift from my dad. if it werent a gift id probly have it re barreld in 6.5 gibbs. just thinkn of those high bc 140gr bullets gets me drooling at times.

but for right now the 270wsm is tripn my trigger

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Old 01-09-2006, 10:37 PM
Mike Moss Mike Moss is offline
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I have a 270 WSM and a 7mm WSM and I like them both. They kick and blast more that the smaller cartridges like the 308 however.

For really long range they have an edge. Otherwise the 308 series is plenty.

Most of us just have to own at least one magnum.
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Old 01-12-2006, 01:04 PM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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In a word :-

Yes you can

It's not big deal it's not like it's you heart is it. it's only a little short cartridge which is not even a proper magnum

Magnum is a bigger vessel, so that fat and out of shape dumpy thing is not a magnum. An express it may be but magnum ................................... no never
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Old 01-13-2006, 06:53 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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cool i like it, the 270 exspress, i just gota have it.
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