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Old 10-11-2009, 07:33 PM
cfmitch cfmitch is offline
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Thumbs up CVA Customer Service

We always have something bad to say about someone when things don't go as planned. However, back in March 2009 I had come onto this forum to talk about having problems sighting in my wife's CVA Wolf. As you remember I couldn't get it to hit paper at 25 yds and after reading everyone's post and trying to make those suggestions work out, I finally contacted CVA about my problem. They in turn sent me a new set of sights and even those didn't work. Well, it was nearly three months later when I finally couldn't take it any longer and once again contacted CVA. Thsi time they had me send the gun back in and they returned it proptly with a new barrel and sights. It was already sighted in and hit the bull on the first shot. I can't say anything bad CVA and in fact CVA handled the situation promptly and took care of the problem. Thank you CVA.
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Old 10-11-2009, 11:53 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Good for CVA

Always nice to hear good things about a company. I have had some issues with RCBS and Dillon products and boy are they good to work with. Glad ya got that thing shooting.. Now make sure your wife is in the right spot at the right time

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Old 10-12-2009, 06:08 PM
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petey petey is offline
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I remember the issue. Glad to hear they fixed the problem. If only the local Jeep dealer would stick behind their factory defect I recently found. Thing's been eating through windsheilds only to find the outer skin on the left support wasn't properly welded from the factory line. Anytime the buggy gets in a torque she'll crack a windsheild from one end to the next. I few quick spot welds from a mig welder by a co-worker, after they wouldn't stick behind their mess up and all is fine now. Oh we had words about it...and they lost a future paying customer b/c of it. Funny part is, you say look here...this is the problem and they say, we don't have any previous recalls on the matter. AH, need to Hijack the thread. Glad to hear the issue is resolved!

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Old 10-13-2009, 09:42 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Thats good news and know the problems you went through with it.
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Old 11-18-2009, 11:42 PM is offline
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Did they ever explain what the problem was? It would be nice to know in case anyone else has similar I posted in another thread about my tc flint and the use of #9 cleaning solvent mixed with bore butter pre lube patches..found out that was the problem..3 days to solve / figure out.chemical reaction...tack driver at 100yds but just mixing cleaning/shooting lubes couldn't hit a 2' box at 15yds..back to tack driving again...whew...but sure would like to know what they found wrong with your set up and glad they solved issue.
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