"Paul, That 358 might have the wrong twist if you can not get it to shoot. I like the old Python twist of 1-14 myself for 357 cast, but I bet your 358 Win is different. If the 358 Win will not shoot with the 200 RCBS and 10 gr of Unique, it will not shoot at all. Then it gets dow to you ar the gun and you have been in the game to long, so I go with the gun being set up wrong.
Ed. The Rugers have a 1 in 16" twist as did the Kodiak Mauser I just sold. My Browning BLR and M99 Savage in .358 have the proper 1 in 12" twist Winchester specified for the cartridge. I haven't tried shooting cast yet in he two lever guns but I can say that there have so far been much more accurate that the bolt action rifles.
Just have too darn many honey do's in the way right now to do much shooting, loading or casting.
Paul B.