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Old 04-10-2006, 12:41 AM
catdaddy catdaddy is offline
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Posts: 187
i read an articale in ffg and it showed one bout turkey dogs, well i think it did
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Last edited by catdaddy; 01-24-2011 at 03:18 AM.
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Old 04-11-2006, 08:06 PM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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there's alot of turkey dogs round these parts. A few breeders have crosses bird dogs with Plotts, brittanys and so forth. We can use dogs fer turkey in the fall and its a ton of fun. They dont catch a turkey...they can do several diff things. Some bust the flock on cue and "round" em back up and drive em to ya. Iffin a turkey aint pressured, he aint apt to fly so some breeders use dogs to smell em out, get upwind from em and wind em slowly back to the hunter. Iffin you ever seen a turkey dog workin 20 birds at once, you'll have a new appreciation fer the sport.

As fer as a hound goes, a hound is fer the chase. Ducks and birds dont give no
Each breed has a given talent and dependin on what you want em to do the most, then git the appropriate breed of dog.
Tryin to make a blue tick point a quail is almost ludicrous.
And tryin to make a lab give a 4 hour chase bawlin every step of the way on a rabbit is just as ludicrous.
Beagles can run anywhere from 50$ to 200$ fer a pup. Some folks ask more than that but I wouldnt give that amount of money fer no beagle pup.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 08-17-2006, 12:29 AM
houndsman houndsman is offline
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get your self either a jag terrier or a patterdale they work great for getting coon and bobcats out of holes or any thing as that goes they are very gritty little dogs some people in wi use them on bear but don't know how they do it and southern parts of the us use them on wild hogs but yea i have seen them work and they are awsome little dogs for that kind of thing they also send them into old houses in the winter to get hibernating coon out also they are the toughest terriers out there the other ones don't hold a candle to these dogs
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