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Old 11-03-2006, 07:07 PM
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Thanks for the explanation of recoil and how to reduce it. I do want to be comfortable with whatever fun I use, and I don't want to be black and blue. I trust the man who will be my teacher, and I'm getting a lot of good advice here, so I'm sure I'll make the right choice.


I'm also a stickler about safety, so I will learn all I can about the best way to be safe. I'm glad that you are now passing the lessons your grandfather taught you on to your boys.

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Old 11-03-2006, 09:56 PM
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My Pop taught me how to shoot. The fellas got it pegged just bout..start out with a 22 rifle and/or a 410.
Bein lil has it's aggravations but once you get used to can graduate to a bigger/heavier gun. I was kinda thrown into a 12ga. but once you learn how to handle em..aint nuthin.
The first and foremost advice I'll give on recoil: dont be afraid of it. If yer afraid of the recoil and/or afraid of the gun...yer doomed. Respect it...but dont be afraid of it. As my Pop used to tell me..."unless you got the gun turned around and yer pointin it at yerself, it caint hurt you."
That helped me alot as a 6yr old and on up till i was a teenager shootin a 12ga. I had the confidence to pay more attention to the target than i did the pain on my shoulder. Once yer concentrated on dont notice the kick. (unless yer shootin a 10 ga er somethin)
Start out plinkin with a would enjoy that.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 11-06-2006, 09:14 AM
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Starting out with a .22 is the advice I get a lot. I'm also working really hard not to anticipate the gun having a kick. I know if I start thinking that way I'll be tentative when the time comes to actually shoot and I don't want to do that.

I guess, at this point, I'm really working not to have any expectations at all. I just want to go into it ready to learn and gain a new skill. I figure that's the best way to be relaxed about it.

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Old 11-06-2006, 09:33 AM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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Kid, don't psyc yourself out on 120lb daughter shoots a 270 and a 3006 well, both have original steel buttplates. It just takes a lot of practice.
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
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Old 11-06-2006, 12:32 PM
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That seems to be a theme, that learning to shoot well will take a lot of practice.

Guess the best things always do.

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Old 11-06-2006, 02:49 PM
fortune fortune is offline
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There are many facets to shooting that don’t necessarily need you to kill something. Some people get a lot of pleasure from competitive shooting whether it is clays or target rifle shooting on a range. Others find their pleasure in being out with a dog and the company of other hunters and feeling the sun and the wind. I’m sure that a lot of people who may read this will know exactly what I mean. I love the chill of the autumn wind and the sun going down ant the end of the day. Some enjoy the club members set.
Well you’ve given us a bit of a jigsaw, but a few of the pieces are missing.
We know that you have a desire to shoot but you haven’t said WHY and WHAT you want to shoot. Rifle or shotgun? And you haven’t said what sort of STATURE you are. You’ve had a lot of good advice from those who have posted here already. Some I agree with and some I don’t. I speak with having four daughters that I have taught to shoot.
I just picked up a gun and started shooting targets. It may take a bit of time to build the right muscles and the hand eye coordination but if you stick at it, it will click into place.
I don’t think it makes any sense that a Woman should get on better with a woman teaching her any more than a man. If the teacher is any good and the pupil has some ability and the will to achieve, then it will be ok.

If you want to shoot a rifle, a 22 rimfire is a good start. Small bang >> no recoil.
Once you’ve got the hang of it you can then go up in size and power.
Now if you want to shoot a shotgun, that’s a different ball game. I disagree with the 410 advocates because although it is a small gun it’s more difficult for a beginner to hit a moving target with because it doesn’t throw as good a pattern of shot as the larger gauges. All of my daughters have been in their teens and have started with a light 20 gauge with 7/8 oz of shot. Life is full of compromises and shooting is no different. Ask your friend whom you trust if you can have a set up WELL AWAY from others. Firstly because you will end up with an audience of MEN who will all give you differing advice. Second, when you miss (and you will, >> loads of times) you may feel a bit silly and just want to put it down and get away.
I could write tons on this for you but I feel that I’m being a MAN advising you. Like you will get at any gathering of shooters. (I’ve seen it happen)
Hold the gun tight into your shoulder and take control of it. You’re the BOSS.

Last edited by fortune; 11-06-2006 at 03:03 PM.
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Old 11-06-2006, 03:03 PM
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As far as why and what I want to shoot, the why is primarily because it is something I have never tried and it looks like it could be challenging and fun. The what would be primarily targets at first then eventually clays, again mostly to see if I could do it and because it looks challenging and like it would be fun.

As to stature, I am 5 ft 6 inches tall and carrying a bit more weight than I would like to be at the moment. I am working on getting more fit, and am also working at developing my upper body strength, which I imagine would be important for shooting.

As to rifle or shotgun, I'm not really sure. I thought I would be guided by my friend who will teach me. He knows I want to shoot target and clays and, as he has done, both, I expect he will have good recommendations for me.

I also understand that I will miss, probably a lot more than I hit at first. I've accepted that. What I have going for me is the fact that I don't give up easily.
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Old 11-06-2006, 04:10 PM
fortune fortune is offline
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I am sure that you will be ok with it all because you have got the want for it.
Weight is not a bad thing because it just isn't.
I will not advise you more because that's down to the person who is teaching you.
When you bust that first clay you will feel the buzz.
Good luck
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Old 11-06-2006, 04:40 PM
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As to the weight, it is coming off slowly and that's what I want. I only mentioned it because I know I'm not in as good a shape as I want to be. I imagine stronger muscles would help me shoot better.

Guess I need to get away from my desk more often.

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Old 11-04-2008, 10:36 PM
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I asked questions on what gun to get from a friend, then i bought my 243, took it out taught myself then taught my son
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Old 03-02-2009, 08:06 PM
GOLD-PAN GOLD-PAN is offline
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I learned from my grand-mother who learned from her brother who was a WW2 sniper and since then Uncle Sam has tought me the same princibles of my great uncle... Irontic aint it.....
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Old 03-03-2009, 11:17 PM
Wolfwoman Wolfwoman is offline
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I learned when I was 19 and in the Military, so I guess I'm not much help to you ... lol
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Old 03-13-2009, 01:49 PM
YukonGirl YukonGirl is offline
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I was about 10 (or maybe 12) when a friend in my neighborhood let me try out his air rifle and air pistol. I loved it-- but the pistol took more strength to pull the trigger than I could manage. Then another friend who had a BB gun let me take shots at the Evil Knievel doll he had swinging from a string his basement. (Of course, when his mom saw the damage in her wall from all the BBs it ended that little game.) Years later, another friend often took me with him to the firing range and since he was a gun collector, I got to shoot all kinds of fun stuff. And being the only woman at the range meant guys practically lined up to let me shoot their guns-- LOL.

I'm not sure I answered the question. Nobody ever really taught me how to shoot-- it was just a matter of figuring it out by trying and getting tips along the way from those kind enough to share them. I also spent a lot of time poring over my Red Ryder BB Gun catalog, dreaming of the day I'd own my very own BB lever action rifle. I never did buy it, but looking at my gun cabinet now, I've got nothing to complain about.

Oh, and, I'm still learning how to shoot... (Just ask all the grouse that got away last season.)
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Old 03-24-2009, 06:04 PM
GOLD-PAN GOLD-PAN is offline
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Yukongirl sound's like your doing pretty good to me....go get them bird's this fall...
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Old 03-24-2009, 08:24 PM
YukonGirl YukonGirl is offline
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I'm going with practice makes perfect. Then I have an excuse to keep trying...
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