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Old 10-23-2007, 11:04 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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Hey Lilred

Glad ya didn't hold nothin back and for the most I have to agree with you. I do however find that there are quite a few very hard nosed women in the world. But I am afraid that when or if they fail at what they want to do they will appeal to the women in this country and get things(laws or rules) changed enough so that it won't appear that they have failed. With men...they may try to do those changes but they usually aren't allowed to get away with it by other men(and the soccer moms). They just have to either face up to the failure of slink off into the pages of history. Hillary and women who support her are a very scary group. They will in my opinion be so bad for this country and possibly the world. Women now control an awful lot of the worlds wealth and now want to control the power in the world...or at least in this country. The worst thing is that women(in general, not all) want to forgive and forget what has happened in the past....and live by emotions more than would be good for us. It always amazed me to go to a home where the woman had been beat up by the husband or significant other for the 10th time...and they would always say...but I love him! And then not press charges. I fear for our country when people like Hillary have an agenda that is anti US in basis.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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Old 10-24-2007, 06:34 AM
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Lilred Lilred is offline
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well put, i couldnt agree with you more. Too much matter what kind of woman ya are.
Women do care way too much about "what the other fella thinks". Makeup fer example.
Lilred is an arshole....I hate makeup and frankly, if you dont like it dont look at all.
I hate hair colors too..and I wont say what I'm thinkin on that cause on counta its not very ladylike.
Dont git me started on women thay stay with men that beat em. I mean stupid can anybody be.
In fact, I got in a heated discussion with a friend of mine a few weekends ago over that. She stayed with a man that beat her for a long time..long story..wont go there. This thread reminded me of somethin tho..she got riled at me and asked me ..."well then, what would YOU do?" I told her I'd either shoot em, stab em er...if I could...beat the hell out of em.
Then she said "what if he gits up and trys to then kill you?" She said it with such sarcasm and surety it got me I told her the truth..but I wont so polite
I told her that I would rather die in the hands of some bashturd knowin I tried than knowin that I aint do crap about it. Thats just givin yer life away. He will know I was there...wether I live to tell about it er not.

My freind aint been back to the house since lol...I need to write that book "How to Win Freinds & Influence People by Lilred" In all honesty, I was just tryin to help her but I reckon the way I put it was a lil too much lol

BTW Skeet, a lil birdie told me you done moved...which shoppin!!
I am distraught...but...more fer me!
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 10-24-2007, 10:34 AM
skeet skeet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Hi Lilred

Ya know...if I loved anything more than I love women I would just be a lost ball in this world. Saying that I still feel that most women are as you also said...too emotional to be able to rule the world from the forefront...although they do so from the sidelines in some respects.
As far as your friend that you told the "truth" to. I kind of feel that if she doesn't come back to visit and to remain your friend either she has the brains God gave a gnat or she was never a real friend to begin with. People(and I have known a couple of men also) that allow themselves to be used and abused for the most part only want their "friends" to agree with them and commiserate with them. As I go through life as in the past...I ty to tell the truth and speak my mind whether it is in line with whoever I am speaking with. Of course we all tell little white lies at times ie as when someone asks if we like their clothes etc. But the real truth of a friendship is when the person tells the truth and that looks terrible when it does so. Seems to me that is the way you are and will continue to be. Now to tell the truth, at least as I see it, coloring hair.. most makeup and other enhancements are a type of lie. Women for the most part really don't need the enhancements that all that implies. I always kind of shied away from women that felt they needed all that fixing up. And most women feel that they aren't quite up to par in the beauty line. Men are also at times pretty vain and do some of the fixin up that women do. To get all fixed up to trap a man(or woman) seems just a little underhanded. Of course I like pretty. Don't we all? I guess what I am trying to say is that women feel an inadequacy that bleeds over into their public lives that seems to make them inadequate for the job of running this country...other than from the sidelines as they do now. I guess I've gone 'round Robin Hood's barn to just say that women are not quite up to running the country...even though many think they are up to the task. Now in the case of Hillary...since she can't remember how she made 100,000 bucks from nothing in a little over a year...not only is she lying to us she is lying to herself. And we as a people should trust her? One of the few women I feel I can trust Lilred, seems to be you! Never met you personally...but feel I can read your character...and I know you is one too!

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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