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Old 01-03-2010, 08:08 PM is offline
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10-4 on what goes on at the range. Not only on sight in days either. Many times I have had to stop the action on range because not only were they pointing the rifle toward people off range while trying to load but on our range we have to keep the targets against the bank while stations are at different ranges. 20,50,100 and 200. Our rule is only one person at a time sighting in. I have seen people walk past those at 100yd on way to the 50yd and when I yell at them, they just say..'that is ok' we won't bother you"....well no need to say what I had to say in reply...goes without saying, you just can't cure stupid. And once after I just manages to halt things for the above reason, another group did the very same thing. Geezzz...Do these people ever think where does that round go in the woods if not going where intended?.....being a club officer can be a real PIA at times. Our club is mostly fishing but have shooting area for guns and archery and while there today, I watched an ice fisherman in a good spot...when I noticed his @5yr old playing around the open water spillway...then he decided to walk out to daddy and entered the ice only about 3' from the open water...How can anyone let their kids do those things?...again...can't cure stupid...problem is any one thing can close down a club for good no matter how cautious you are and you just have to babysit even the adults....our club is not open to public due to insurance reasons and whew on that but it is still work replacing the back stops from those members (when nobody is looking) that shoot down the uprights made of telephone poles or the signs that state 'do not shoot at the posts or you will loose membership'...try to catch them.
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Old 01-05-2010, 01:49 AM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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Well, here's what we've established:
1. There are a ton of idiots out there - and things are not getting better.
2. Your average weekend warrior is now using the weekend before season for all pre-season shooting (and doing a poor job).
3. People borrowing guns will assume that if the owner says they are on, they are (decent shooters know there will be a different point of impact sometimes - you have to check).
4. Some moron will invariably have a loaded weapon in an untenable position, and endanger everyone else.

Public hunting land is looking like a scarier proposition every day.

We hunt, not only because we want to, but because at our basest levels we must.
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