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Old 12-09-2005, 07:22 PM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Hi rem700,

Yep you got it bad

Heck if you like them that's all that matters. We don't see very many Remingtons here despite heavy advertising although I believe that certain range shooters have them. None of the folks I normally shoot with do though and I have seen exactly two Savage bolt guns, and bump into the occasional Winchester.

Most of the rifles are either older British ones (BSA & Parker-Hale) or European ones. can't say I am too impressed with Sauers 200 and 202 rifles, they look nice but the ones I have sen and had the chance to shoot did not perform very well for accuracy

This is the 6mm Rem I am playing with,

just sized and trimmed the 100 new R.P cases next it's check for weight then decide on a load for the 70 Grn Sierra MatchKings I have. Might look at BLC-2 as I have a fair bit on hand, also have some H380, Rel 15 & 19. Oh decisions......... decisions
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Old 12-10-2005, 02:29 PM
rem 700 rem 700 is offline
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Nice to have a classic debat on rifles...anywho, good luck with your 6mm finding the perfect load for them tacks you're gonna shoot.
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Old 12-10-2005, 04:32 PM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Hi rem700,

Thankyou, that's what I like about this hobby, it's OK to like different things sure would be boring if we all wanted exactly the same.

At one time I didn't want a Parker-Hale rifle as I find the BSA actions so much smoother but P-H has a better trigger now I have 4 P-H rifles and am wondering if they are breeding?

Yesterday evening I sixed the 100 new R.P cases for the 6mm and then trimmed them to 2.220 so they all cleaned up. I then this morning weighed 20 of them and took the average which was 170.94 grns and went =/- 1% and weighed the rest. Doing this I culled 7 cases now it's time to choose a load, bullets are Sierra 70 grn HP MatchKings primers are Rem 9 1/2. Now for powders it's between :-

Rel 15
Rel 19

Oh the barrel is 24" long!

On hand I have more i.e several tubs of both BLC-2 and Rel 19 and would rather use them if possible as the price of powder here is ridiculas how about $57 US a 1lb tub hence I want to use what I have.

Then all I need to do is find somewhere to shoot having moved not too long ago it's proving a problem even the locla club is not having a range day this year and I doubt one in January so it means travelling and just now money is tight Oh well I will figure something out in the end I suppose.
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Old 12-10-2005, 09:33 PM
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JackRabbit JackRabbit is offline
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As far as the 270 being the best deer caliber? I think there are far to many different opinions on this suject.But on average it's probably pretty darn close.Personaly I would place it in the top 5, and would more lean toward it being the best all around caliber.In my opinion if you only owned a 270 you could hunt all you want. Eccept for maybe Grizz. Ken.
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Old 12-11-2005, 12:15 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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Brithunter, of those powders listed, Reloder 19 would be my first choice. You'll find the 6MM Rem likes powders in the burning rate range of 4350 or 4831, and Reloder 19 is in that range.
Reloder 15 or Varget might be worth a try with real light varmint bullets.
I see on another thread you want to use some 70 grain match bullets. Reloder 15 or Varget might work with bullets that light. And Reloder 19 might, too.
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Old 12-11-2005, 02:52 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Hi Jack,

Thankyou for your input, yes I have near a full box of the Sierra 70 Grn MK's so I will start with them for now and I will try to get some of the heavier bullets later.

In light of your experience I will try loading a few with each of the powders you have suggested and see which does the best, something like 15 rounds with each powder and three different charge weights with each powder. That should give me an inlking of what it likes ........................ I hope
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