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Old 06-18-2004, 09:27 AM
jl1966 jl1966 is offline
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Question Cops and concealed carry?

I have a ccw permit here in Va., and have noticed different reactions when advising cops of the presence of a firearm in my vehicle or on my person during a traffic stop. Responses have ranged from "ok, thanks for telling me", to " give it to me" with it being returned to me at the end of the stop, unloaded, with a speeding ticket. I wondered if my being armed had an influence on the outcome of the stop. I really feel that some officers become hostile when informed of the fact. Now, let me say that I can understand the situation changing once the cop is given the information that he is dealing with an armed person, but I wonder how many might have dealt more leniently if I had not been armed. I also understand that they should in many cases already know I may be armed if they ran my plate when they stopped me. Any of the present or former lawmen here care to shed light.
Old 06-18-2004, 02:15 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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There are as many different answers as there are individuals who stop you. Most of the old guys are not too concerned because to get a CCW you had to be "clean", so telling them you are carrying is not a big deal. Some of the new guys have a distinct "us versus them" mentality and are hostile to a citizen carrying. Many new cops are still on the ego trip that comes with the gun, badge and whistle. I think it is wise to tell them you are legally carrying under your CCW as they may have gotten that "hit" when they ran your plate. Just stay calm and polite and all should go well. If not, write a letter, later, to the police chief.

Adam Helmer
Old 06-19-2004, 03:47 AM
Leadbutt Leadbutt is offline
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j, yes here in VA. when I stop you I already know you have a CCW, wich for me means unless you were really doing some thing STUPID, I tend to relax a little and talk to you in a normal manner.

SOme of the locals will take the weapon, I think this causes more problems then its worth, we don't and instruct our troops not to,,

Me ,myself and I would not give a weapon to a Police Officer unless he had placed me under arrest, and if wants to argue about it fine call his supervisor, to the scene, and get it explained why it is,when all you have been stopped for is WHAT SPEEDING
but thats just my 2 cents
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Old 06-19-2004, 05:37 AM
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Did you ever think that Slowing Down might lessen the problems you have? You make it sound like you are being stopped for Speeding on a regular basis.
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Old 06-19-2004, 10:00 AM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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If I'm stopped and packing, I will hand my permit with my drivers license and tell them I have a firearm. Not nasty or agressive but inform them only. Our state police has a lot of Jack Booted Thugs and I have had one run my firearm(looking for trouble). Came back clean not problem. Others have said thanks and sent my on my way without a hitch. A lot of the problems with carrying comes from police and staties that work the city.
Old 06-19-2004, 02:54 PM
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That's exactly what a friend of mine who is a cop said to do. Hand the officer your driver's license and CCW license. Ticket or no ticket he sends you off with "have a nice day".
Old 06-20-2004, 03:50 PM
VinVega VinVega is offline
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Here in KY, we don't have to tell the officer if we're packing. Now, law aside, I do believe it's good sense to inform them regardless. If you mention it in a manner that doesn't seem hostile or suspicious, they probably wouldn't think much of it, other than not to shoot you when you're reaching for your license. I currently do not hold a CCW, so I'm required to carry in my glvoe compartment, which I regularly do. Luckily I haven't had to inform a COP yet that I'm carrying, because I am pretty good at following even traffic laws, but when the time comes, most likely I'll be telling him there's a gun in the glove box before I go reaching for all my papers. Couldn't see why it would make them uneasy if you told them first, seems like it'd calm them down a good deal, and assure them you're not up to something stupid.
When they come for your guns, make sure you give them the ammo first.

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Old 06-20-2004, 09:18 PM
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In Maryland, we would be arrested if we had a gun in our glove compartment. I think most officers in the state would probably have a heart attack if you told them you had a CCW license and a gun on you. However, that is just my opinion. I have never been stopped with a gun on me.
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Old 06-20-2004, 09:38 PM
multibeard multibeard is offline
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In Michigan if you are carrying you are required to report the fact to the officer if he stops you.

If you do not have a carry permit the pistol has to be locked in the trunk. Can not be in the glove compartment even if it is locked.

I let my old carry permit expire years ago. I called the local State Police post to see what I had to do to transport it with out a permit. He told me I couldn't even take it out of the house. He was full clear to his eyebrows. I mad calls to a few other police deptments and got diofferent answers for each one.

Prior to the recent change in the carry law it was almost imposssible to get a carry permit. They now have to give you a reason, before ya had to kiss the sheriffs butt to get one. I haven't gone thru all the bull to get a new permit.
Old 06-21-2004, 10:56 AM
jl1966 jl1966 is offline
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Here in Va. it is permissible to carry openly, i.e. on the hip, or in plain view on the seat of the car. You better make sure you dont let your shirt tail slip over it though, and open carry in public really is a bad idea anyway. I have not had any real bad experiences with cops as a result of my informing them of being armed. My usual way of handling it goes: When the cop approaches my vehicle I have my hands on the steering wheel or otherwise in plain sight, when asked for my license and so forth I inform him of the presence of a firearm in my vehicle, before moving my hands from view. At this point, as I said, the cops usual reaction is "ok, thanks for telling me" or something like that. I feel that it is a good idea to inform the officer, so nothing unexpected happens later. I just have on occasion got the vibe that it kinda put the cops nose out of joint that he was not the only one with a gun in the equation. Now understand, I have no problem with police, I dont envy them their jobs. I have two family members who are cops. It does frost me somewhat though when I encounter one who seems to be on a power trip, and kind of gets snippy at the fact that I am exercising my right to be armed.
Old 06-22-2004, 02:27 PM
HuntinDoc HuntinDoc is offline
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Here in Texas you must inform the LEO that you are carrying. You are also required to surrender your weapon if asked. Failure to do so on request is a crime.

I have only been stopped once for speeding in the last 5 years (for 6mph over) since obtaining my CCW. That officer asked where the weapon was and I told him it was in the console of the truck. He said "Ok, leave it there." that was the end of it. He asked me to step out of the vehicle but left my friend in the vehicle in the front passenger seat. At the end I just received a warning anyway.

I read someone's report that they had been asked by a State trooper where their weapon was and they answered "in the console". The Trooper then told them not to go into the console. He then asked for the proof of insurance and the driver said it was in the console. The Troopers answer...."I believe you."

HA. I keep forgetting to put my insurance form in the console.
Old 06-22-2004, 04:28 PM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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I always have a loaded firearm in the glove box along with my wallet and ccw. When, not if, I'm stopped I have both hands on the wheel and inform the officer all my id is in the glovebox with a loaded handgun. Reactions have ranged from "reach over and grab your wallet" to the officer going over to the other side and opening the glovebox themselves. Once I had a youngn' looking straight from the hitler youth ask why I had "so many" guns.(My primary and secondary, which I forgot to hide) I said, "they're like potato chips, can't have just one." Got a confused look in return and he left.

Never was really concerned about the officer "taking" my firearm. I always have a second one, (tinfoil hat on) just in case.Classic
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Old 06-24-2004, 09:56 AM
jl1966 jl1966 is offline
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I have never really had any concern for the cop confiscating my gun either. After all, I am legally carrying. I think if it did ever come up, there would be one whale of a stink made.
Old 06-25-2004, 09:52 PM
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I have had only one stop in years. The cop noticed my CCW card when I presented my DL. His hand went to his Glock, and trembling, he demanded my 'firearm'. Upon taking possession of my CZ, he proceeded to demonstrate the worst gun handling I have ever seen. I had to tell this Bozo to NOT point it in my direction.
Best advice ever: just stay the heck away from cops, period. If your momma told you that policemen were your friends, she lied to ya.
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Old 07-02-2004, 03:33 PM
HuntinDoc HuntinDoc is offline
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I knew another student in college who was carrying a ppk in his car. (before the CCW law passed) He was stopped for speeding on a street near the campus (fortunately not on campus) by a campus cop. (Yes, they had juristiction by law a certain distance from campus.) The police officer searched his vehicle and found the weapon and when this student told the police officer that the weapon was unloaded the police officer dropped the clip which was empty then pulled the trigger and dropped the hammer on a live round in the chamber. Fortunately no one was injured. But if memory serves, that student spent the night in jail for having the weapon. I think the officer should have been his cell partner just for stupidity.
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