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Old 02-23-2005, 04:48 PM
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Thumbs up Super Snow Goose hunt with Southern Waterfowlers/Arkansas

Just wanted to let everyone know about a very good experience I recently enjoyed while hunting "light Geese" below Stuttgart, Arkansas. (Fellow Moderators: I cleared this report with Petey). Last weekend I traveled over to Reydel, AR to hunt Snow Geese with Tim Reaves who along with brother Brent own and operate Southern Waterfowlers Guide Service. I can personally attest to the Waterfowl Mecca that AR enjoys, and on a few occasions have experienced some fine duck and goose hunts. This was to be no exception. Tim had located the Geese on some substantial private property that he has exclusive permission to hunt. We set out our spread of decoys on Friday evening and goose sign was truly unbelievable! Yes, these birds had been using the field, but would they return in the morning? The next morning, after a quick round of sausage and biscuits, we headed towards our hunting destination, and the drive was very short. Not long after sunrise, the Geese began to arrive. The Canada's and Speckle Bellies (Specks or White Fronted Geese) teased us relentlessly, however, these are not in season and great care must be exercised to avoid taking the wrong species. Tim only sets out white Snow Goose decoys to attempt to steer the dark geese from committing suicide. Helps somewhat, but make sure of your target, as Blue Geese can fool you in overcast light. Bunch after bunch worked our spread, and our "pile of birds" grew. At the end of the morning, we had an impressive group of birds. Many were fully mature Snow's and Blue's (a number of beautiful "Eagle Heads" were in the pile). Along with 10 trophy condition Ross Geese. What a day! Sunday was forecast to be stormy and raining, and as luck would have it, only light rain bothered us until 10 A.M. Tim's optimism wasn't all that high, and sure enough by 7:30 nothing much had worked our spread. However, about 8:00, we saw several flights beginning to move, and within the two hours before the rain and thunder kicked in, we shot non stop. At one time we had probably 4,000 birds trying to land at the same time. All began the classic Snow Goose funnel; trying to lose altitude while circling clockwise and counter clockwise. It was unreal watching the geese try and avoid a mid air collision! All in all, it was a trip I hope to make many more times. These guys run an excellent outfit. And I wish I had video of Ellie; Tim's Black Lab female. She made one of her many retrieves that honestly would cover one half mile! The goose flew on her and she followed. When the goose landed and ran into heavy brush, Ellie put the clamps on that action, and marched his feathered rear all the way back to Tim's side. Their camp/house is on the backwaters of the Arkansas River (can you say Duck City)? Food was excellent (Tim's wife Barbara put some weight on me) and I can't tell you how many Pintails, Mallards, Teal, Shovelers and other species of Ducks I saw. During season, Speckle Bellies are two per day, but it appears to me their approaching high populations, as I saw large flocks the entire time I was there. All that is required to enjoy the Spring Snow Goose season, is call Tim, book your dates and get the free Arkansas Goose permit number. You do not need to buy any AR license. I hope to have some pictures soon of our birds. I will post ASAP or you can visit Tim's site at: Good hunting, grayghost
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Old 02-23-2005, 05:20 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Sounds like a great time. I hope to eventually get after some snows myself, but it probably won't be until next year or the year after that.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 02-24-2005, 12:55 PM
kt kt is offline
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glad you had a good time, this past weekend i made an attempt at snows, they arent really plentiful around here but we get some so went for it with a friend who loves to hunt them. as usual, i single handedly put out a load of white socks and as usual in these parts nothing came close, but what was interesting was a lot of snows and blues mixing in formation with canadas. like you said the blues can fool you and they did. so some day i hope to get a chance like you had. cant wait for pics
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:21 PM
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grayghost grayghost is offline
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With TreeDoc's help, our pics are now posted in the "Goose pics" thread. I'm at the bottom of the stairs on the left; Tim Reaves is on the right; Derrick is at the top of the stairs and in the bed of the truck (second pic). Good hunting, grayghost
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