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Old 03-13-2005, 02:17 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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hey Roy

did i notice you mention the super sniper scope a few times

if so tell us about it. what power is it. probly 10 i bet. how small are the dots and cross wires. is the calrity there? consistentcy.

i need to get 250 going and i think this is the route im gona take. ill save 600 or be out 300 depending on if the scope is worth a darn, it suposebly is a very good scope for 300 bucks.

what is yours mounted on , im curious.

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Old 03-15-2005, 12:48 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Itsa 10X. Dots are of a size that I can hold on a magpie @500 and if the wind wouldn't have been blowing the sage brush around it was perched on, I'da shot.

Its a good scope. But as ol spark says ones eyes has a lot to do with things.
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 03-16-2005, 08:16 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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how clear and sharp is the scope while your eye looks through it
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Old 03-20-2005, 04:58 PM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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I shoot a SS20x on my long range gun. Hands down it is the best long range scope you are going to buy for $300. It has a huge amount of vertical and horizontal moa adjustment. (enough to allow me to shoot to 1200yds with a 6.5x284 without tapered bases or shimmed rings) It has served it's purpose well. BUT, remember, it's still a $300 scope. It's clear enough alright, we've shot groundhogs to 800yds on hazy 80deg days, shot deer with it to 742 in the snow at about 18degrees. It will do what you ask of it but it does not have the clarity of a Leupold (shooting side x side with Olspark it just doesn't) having said that, I would still recommend it if you're on a limited budget.

If you can afford a Leupold LR scope but just don't think you can justify it, you won't be dissappointed. I'm at the stage where I would love a Leupold but if I buy one for the 6.5, I'll have to build another gun for the SS to sit on
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Old 03-20-2005, 07:34 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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its not that i cant afford the lr leo its that i just dont want to sink 900 into scope right now. but i would love to.

thanks for the info.

ill order the ss, though i now have to decide on power.

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Old 03-22-2005, 06:28 AM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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even with variables, we do most of our long range shooting at 20x. Remember, when the ranges start to extend, more power is your friend!
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Old 03-22-2005, 10:11 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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My problem is that the hunting methods that seem to work involve walk & stalk and a fixed power, even 10X is a bummer for a 40 yd shot, especially running shot (the yote not me).

When I set up in an "all day" position, for the loooooong shots, up to 700 yds or so, 10X is a bit puny.

Guess what I otta do is get a dedicated rifle for patiently waiting like you guys do on the "rock". Have a rifle already selected. It'll be good to well beyond the 1K mark.

By the way, I have some super hooty high bc 140 gr .277 bullets coming that should extend my range just a bit. We'll see how they do.
On the other hand................she had warts
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