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Old 06-02-2005, 10:59 PM
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Drew_CarreyAB Drew_CarreyAB is offline
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Cast Bullet Question

I am using a 457FN mold and it casts out around 460 so I have been using a .457 and a .451 lube sizer dies (still need the .454) to get them down to .451 to use with sabots in my 50cal MZ. The bullets cast out around 450grains, and I plan on using them for moose and or a close up deer. Is this too much work to use the bullets or can I get/find a mold to cast out around 454 AND be 450+grains? The Lyman rep says that sizing from 457 to 451 is kinda a tall order(I broke the press while doing it LOL) She said that sizing 6 thou plus is pushing the limits of the equipment.....Can a fella find a 504 or 505 cal die to use or would I have to get one made up? The questions a lots and they are all over the place (like my groups) LOL but I'm tired and thought I'd post the questions................any help appriciated Thanks
Canadian Redneck - Lacombe District - Alberta Division
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Old 06-11-2005, 11:21 AM
rattus58 rattus58 is offline
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I have sized the 457121 Lyman and the LEE 457405 for years with a mallet ...

Now the bullets from this "sizing" shoot actually pretty well with little problem. If you use this method... just make sure you do it base first and use a rubber mallet.

I don't get the question of the .504 die bit, but then its still early here...

You can always have stillwell tooling open up your dies for you for about $17. I do have several dies in 45 caliber including .452 and .451 and .450. I think the .450 and .451 almost useless for great accuracy but are just the ticket for the range and you still will have 4" at 100 yards off the bench. .452, .454 and .457 all work best for accuracy for me in a .451-2 bore.

Sabots with lead in my 50's (and I don't do this practice for other than grins) were always the most accurate with a larger diameter bullet but nowadays you can actually get some pretty nice sabots that have thicker walls that take up the "windage" in the bore nicely.

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Old 07-04-2005, 11:09 PM
Underclocked Underclocked is offline
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Drew - .457 down to .451 isn't much of a problem with PURE lead but any hardening alloys will turn the effort into a nightmare (sounds like you already know). Why not just shoot full bore conicals? Big, heavy conicals don't mix well with sabots in my experience.

The only exception being some White Powerstars for me in my .45s. They are also available sized for .50 cals. I'm told Buffalo Bullets makes some nicely performing bigger sabot combos but have no experience with them - then I've drifted into the ready-made world...

Dan at can fix you up with most any mould you desire for not much more than off-the-shelf pricing. You can even design your own with his software. I've heard nothing but accolades for his moulds.
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