We here in Pa just had a man released from prison after 20 years...( rape ) ....DNA set him free....at least he wasn't in there for a death sentence....I believe if there is no question at all as to guilt...what is the hold up?...We had a man named Baumhammer that went on a killing spree a few years ago from town to town and killed I think around 4 or more people after shooting through the store windows these people worked in.......was caught heading to another state office.....now somone like this ....with no question of quilt...he even had the gun on him when caught...why the hold up?.....some lawyer trying to get him free because of something stupid like not counting to 5 before reading HIS rights...only counted to 4....meanwhile...the police did a great job of tracking, reading, and catching this nutcase......why did he even make it back to the jailhouse?..society is too soft anymore..