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Old 04-09-2006, 11:27 AM
squirrel hunter9292 squirrel hunter9292 is offline
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Location: Louisiana [the sticks]
Posts: 26
Any one bowfish???????

i was just wonderin if i could ask bout bowfishin here, but here are my questions.well me and my dad are thinkin bout gettin a bigger boat and i thot i would try out bowfishin. we go catfishin a lot durin the summer so i thot i would be able to bowfish at night with my dad. is bowfishin worth gettin into, iv only shot a bow once or twice. do u recomend a recurve or compound, and also wat is the minimum pullback for bowfishin. thanks alot.
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Old 04-12-2006, 07:23 PM
BOW BOW BOW BOW is offline
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HI - I bow fish . it is alot of fun.i would use any bow that i could is a pretty nasty messy far as pounds what ever feels good to you..i shoot 55 pounds.old compound.just have fun .and keep it simple.just my 2 cent's
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Old 04-27-2006, 06:06 AM
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petey petey is offline
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I use a compound and hunt just about every animal in North America with it, but I use a recurve to bow fish. I often find that I need to take quick snap shots and this is something you can't do so easy with a compound. Instinctive shooting is easy to pick-up and even easier when most shots are under 10 yards anyhow.

You don't get any "simplier" than with a recurve and there are benifits to using one over a compound. The only advantage I see with a compound would be energy and let-off to let you hold the bow longer. It's not like your deer hunting and have to wait for that perfect broadside shot, so I don't see the advantage of let-off. Keep in mind I hunt all animals on 2 and 4 feet with a compound so I'm not knocking it, just that a recurve suits me much better.

Lighter, make quick snap shots, 55 pound recurve will handle even the largest of carp, and less expensive. I'm sure you can find an old used recurve at a garage sale for $10-$50. Just be sure to check for twisted limbs before purchasing.

Once you connect with your first fish you'll be hooked. The first time I hit a HUGE carp and watched that arrow zip out across the water I was hooked. Suckers aren't as much fun as they don't give up as much of a fight. I never had the chance to hunt for gar though, so I have no experience in that.

I use a stabalizer reel holder and 12" rod with a Zebco 888 reel and tons of 20# test!

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
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Old 04-28-2006, 10:33 PM
squirrel hunter9292 squirrel hunter9292 is offline
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Location: Louisiana [the sticks]
Posts: 26

well thanks for all the info....... i think im gonna start lookin for a recurve, and about those gar Petey, i see bout 20 biggins every time i go out on the lake down here in Louisiana
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