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Old 06-15-2006, 09:25 PM is offline
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Tree Doc..did you ever make it out for the tuna?... my contact says they are still way south and everyone there tells him is a waste of time to go now..wants now to wait till later toward fall....oh need to go all that way from pa just for a boat ride...can do that last week from him said 6 guys 5 days out only landed 3 tuna..???...I can wait.....then next june will be back in canada for bear...that I can't wait far, out of the 8 going there, only 3 of us are still least us 3 arent backing out...
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Old 06-30-2006, 11:24 PM
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Last weekend things shut off because of a weather event. The 2.5 day trip came in to port at 6 p.m. and the boat (TopGun 80) turned around by 9 p.m. for my 2 day trip. That group of 25 came in with only 1 Blue Fin Tuna and hit the snotty weather. The 2 day before them and before the weather slayed the Tuna! Somewhere around 86 BFT's and 100 LFT's (Albacore) for 19 guys. Our trip yielded no tuna but we caught 80 nice Yellowtail between 21 guys and scores of Bonito, most of which were released. We still hit some of the weather the night we powered out but it layed down at greylight for most of our Monday's fishing. About 3 or 4 p.m. it kicked up pretty bad. We had 30+ knot winds and steep seas. The boat handled it extremely well but again, it turned our clear blue water to green and shut out most any possibility at Tuna. We continued to pull occasional YT's of the Kelp Patties we stopped at but even those are hard to find in that weather. We ran about 100-110 miles south of San Diego into Mexican waters which is where all the fish have been taken in the prevous past weeks which is typical for this time of year.

The Purse Seiners (Commercial Tuna Whores) have been slaying and penning hords of Blue Fin down in Mexico and in the waters we fished. Fortunately they can't do that with Albacore, the LFT's just won't go for that and they sink out before the nets.

The fish are there. The bite is actually on and building which is typical for this time.

How long of a trip do you guys intend to go on?

If you're going for more than 4 days then you're likely out after the Yellow Fin Tuna or "Cows" as we call them. That "cow" class of fish usually does better a bit later.
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Old 07-01-2006, 11:46 PM is offline
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sounds interesting...our man is in working in isreal right now but has to go back to california when done there.....havn't had chance to talk to him....said will let me know...I think because of the way most have to work, will only be for the weekend ...meanwhile, other fish to be had elsewhere....glad you guys caught something anyhow..tks for reply
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:15 PM is offline
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Doc..I just spoke tonight with the man setting things up for us..he just got back from isreal and said will be going back to california in a while and tuna should be closer by guess is still in the works...yee not quite sure of the dates yet.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:49 PM
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Well....lemme know, I'll be back there on TopGun 80 on July 30th for a 2.5 day trip. Never know...maybe we'll stumble into one another on the dock!
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