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Old 01-26-2007, 10:38 PM
Tall Shadow Tall Shadow is offline
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**all Please Read!**

I have no words to express How Upset this Idiot's insults toward Our Vietnam vets has made me!

He and His paper need to understand that this kind of crap WILL NOT! be tolerated!



Apocalypse again -- call up the Vietnam vets

Where else can Bush get 21,500 trained soldiers for his 'surge'?
By Paul Whitefield
PAUL WHITEFIELD supervises the editorial pages' copy desk.

January 21, 2007

LISTENING TO President Bush's speech on Iraq earlier this month, my first thought was: "Where the heck are we going to get 21,500 more soldiers to send to Iraq?" Our Reserves are depleted, our National Guard is worn out, our Army and Marine Corps are stretched to the limit.

Then it hit me: Re-up our Vietnam War veterans and send them.

They're trained. They're battle-hardened. Many already have post-traumatic stress disorder. Also, some have their own vehicles — Harleys mostly, which are cheap to run, make small targets and are highly mobile. I'll even bet that lots of these guys still have guns (you know, just in case).

OK, some vets are a bit long in the tooth (or don't have teeth — because of Agent Orange?). Or their eyesight isn't what it was. Or their reflexes have slowed. But with today's modern weaponry, how well do you have to see?

Too out of shape, you say? Listen, if Rocky Balboa can step back into the ring at age 60, all these Vietnam War vets need is a little boot-camp magic and they'll be good to go. I mean, who doesn't want to drop a few pounds?

Don't want geezers fighting for us? Well, let's face it, our young people have greater value right here. Most of us want to retire and collect our hard-earned Social Security, and we need those youngsters here, working and paying taxes — lots of taxes.

Finally, these Vietnam War guys are hungry for revenge. After all, they fought in the only war the U.S. ever lost. And they didn't even get a parade. So this is their chance. We can throw them that big parade when they come marching home.

Here's the author's e-mail address: You can also call (213) 237-5000 and ask to speak with this Idiot.

Tall Shadow
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Old 01-26-2007, 11:41 PM
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This is what I sent him:

Seems as though the big city life has rotted your brain. That generalization is akin to all the generalizations about the Vietnam vets that you made in your article. Better yet, why don’t we send the World War II vets over there, the ones that are dying like flies right now because of old age. Since they are about to die, we could put them on the front line you moron. Better yet, we could send all the journalists over there like you, because the Iraqis would be concentrating on shooting you in the back while you run away, so the real men and women (i.e., the actual men and women in the armed forces) could get the drop on these Iraqis while the Iraqis are shooting at you. I bet you wouldn’t stand a chance against a Vietnam War Vet and I bet you would be the first guy running for the hills if the Chinese invaded the US.

Since you are so smart, why don’t you come up with some real solutions to the nation’s troubles. How about figuring out how to end our stay in Iraq and Afghanistan AND ensure that there isn’t another terrorist attack on US soil. Since our occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq I don’t think there has been a single successful terrorist attack against the US. After you figure that one out, how about trying to figure out our problem with national health care. When you finish that, how about trying to figure out how to make the tax code a little less cumbersome. I’m a CPA and the tax code gives me a headache every once in a while. Oh yeah, I’m an attorney too and the insurance industry is another disaster. How about giving us some insight on fixing that one up. While you are at it, figure out how we can get new homes to all those that lost their home in hurricane Katrina, and how about doing it without raising taxes, maybe even balancing the budget, and you would be the man if you could get rid of the national debt.

You truly are an idiot if you think it is so easy for the President to send men and women to fight a war, knowing that some of them will die. If this country relied on people like you, we would still be under British rule because you wouldn’t even have a gun in your house to fight the British. I hope you have thousands of voicemails and e-mails waiting for you.

It is easy to criticize, but how about putting your effort toward something useful I thought of a couple of suggestions, but they are pretty crude so I will let them be. I don’t want to stoop to your level you moron.
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Old 01-27-2007, 12:18 AM
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My e-mail came back as undeliverable. Maybe the knuckle head already got fired and they deleted his e-mail address.
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Old 01-27-2007, 12:25 AM
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Oh you can bet your Sweet a$$ your gonna hear from Billy D.
What an acidic POS this guy is. I'd love to spend 5 minutes in a locked phone booth with this $#!thead.

We GI"s didn't lose the war, the President, House, Senate and Secretary of Defense took care of that job.

But most of all the American people with the help of the SHEEP like Asner, Fonda and their ilk lost the war by aiding and comforting the enemy. Whitefield would fit into that mold very well.

Sorry I didn't wait for Rocky to post. I am sure as an Officer and a gentleman he would handle an answer much better than I.

As an enlisted person, as John Skerry says, we are rude and crude and uneducated in the ways of the world.

As for revenge, I harbor no ill feelings against the Vietnamese, but there are sure a lot of YELLOW turncoat Americans I despise/loathe. We have a new bunch of them sitting in office right now.


William F Doersam, Sr.Msgt, USAF/RET.

Your Humble servant.
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Old 01-27-2007, 12:31 AM
L. Cooper L. Cooper is offline
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The original "Modest Proposal" was a satirical piece by Johathan Swift that suggested the poor could easily fix their starvation problem by eating the babies they seemed to produce so easily. He was not insulting the poor; he was insulting a government of the time that was bent on allowing people to continue to die when it had the means to prevent most of the deaths.

So is this "Modest Proposal".
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Old 01-27-2007, 12:32 AM
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Originally posted by fabsroman
My e-mail came back as undeliverable. Maybe the knuckle head already got fired and they deleted his e-mail address.
I doubt it Fabs. Those kinds of poc go on and on. Look at all the news casters that were around During the Vietnam Conflict and are just now retireing.

Commie SOB'S.

I love the Media almost as much as Rocky does.

That boy had a serious cranial rectal inversion.
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Old 01-27-2007, 02:13 AM
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That was worse than reading Shakespeare. I thought I had a headache from the tax return I am working on right now. Read that piece and the old headache seems like nothing.

On a side note, a client/friend of mine pulled up in his minivan with a bunch of boxes in the back. I asked him what they were, and he replied that they were all of the supporting documents for his 2003, 2004, and 2005 returns. We spent the entire day going through the 2003 stuff and I am now trying to get that tax return finished before he arrives in 7 hours. Man, this stuff is fun. 13 rental properties and not a hint of any type of accounting system. Here comes my new AR-10 and maybe the AR-15.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 01-27-2007, 09:38 AM
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Maybe this guy's got something. Maybe we do need another shot at it. I volunteer to guard the journalist.
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Old 01-27-2007, 10:40 AM
Dan Morris Dan Morris is offline
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Ok, lets go...follow me. Fact is, I'll take the point!
Lifes not meant to be a journey to the grave with the intentions of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thouroughly used up, totally wore out,loudly proclaiming....
WOW.....WHAT A RIDE.......

Last edited by Dan Morris; 01-28-2007 at 10:31 AM.
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Old 01-27-2007, 10:51 AM
indianahick indianahick is offline
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I clicked on the link to see what paper this idiot works for. LA times. Los Angles well well no wonder another member of the idiot land of Pelosi, Boxer.

Here is an address for the paper They will probably end up in the trash can but hey at least they wont be changing their email address.
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Old 01-27-2007, 03:36 PM
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I should have this as an addendum to my usual sig line about the press:

Only our military can win wars.

Only our politicians can lose wars.

Only our media can talk the politicians into it.
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Old 01-28-2007, 08:37 AM
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Any man who fought bravely in any war deserves his county's utmost respect. It dont matter wether they win er lose he fought in his countrys name. I was actually gonna do a 2 er 1 on that very subject in my rant of the week...which I think I will post since I saw
By the way...the lil commie who wrote that article needs a good arsh whippin...and I'll be glad to oblige him.
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Old 01-28-2007, 10:10 AM
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That should read "any person" Lilred, not "any man." We have good patriotic and brave women out there in combat now - and doing their part in an honorable way, too.

I know a woman fighter pilot who has the same steely, killer glint in her eyes as any guy. She's a combat veteran, and there is more than one jihad jerk burning in hell because she put him there.

(Oh, I think you'd make just as good a one, Lilred.)
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Old 01-28-2007, 08:47 PM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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This "crap" is beyond words !
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Old 01-28-2007, 11:03 PM
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You cannot fight a war with rules, period. Our guys won every major battle fought in vietnam, and as unknown to most, even the tet offensive. How can you lose such a war? Politicians and rules, and walter cronkite is how. Hats off to all who served.
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