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Old 09-25-2007, 12:45 PM
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jon lynn jon lynn is offline
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Unhappy more of my problem with Gov work

I applied for a job, and was told all veterans with 10 points with qualifications would be interviewed, that is (was) policy. The head office (CPOC) denied me an interview saying I was not elligable to apply, then when I protested, they sent me this........

Good Day Mr. Lynn,

Thank you for your inquiry dated 20 Aug 2007, concerning your rating for
the vacancy of MAIL Technician, YB-0305-01, Announcement number #
EUJJ07136442. We welcome inquiries concerning our ratings as it gives
us a chance to audit our work and explain the process to interested
applicants. After reviewing the case file for this position, the
following information is provided:

For vacancy Announcement # EUJJ07136442 your rating in resumix was
changed to reflect "Not Among the Best Qualified". For this
announcement management requested the use of 'required skills'. I have
carefully reviewed your resume for the required skills. Management was
looking for someone with experience in recording and processing all
incoming community mail to include registered, insured and certified
mail, classified mail and outgoing unclassified material being
dispatched as registered, insured or certified mail ans maintaining
computerized and manual locator database for all personnel and their
dependents. Knowledge of postal regulations, security regulations and
other administrative regulations applicable to processing classified and
unclassified mail.

You were not found to be among the "Best Qualified" when the skills
search criteria was applied. Determining "best qualified" applicants is
done by using the required skills designated by the selecting official.
The skills that are used are skills that are extracted directly from the
position description that directly relate to the skills needed to
successfully perform the duties as described in the vacancy
announcement. The selecting official then determines which skills are
required or desired in filling the vacant position. The skills extracted
from your resume did not match against the required skills identified by
the selecting official. How a resume describes an applicants skill is
the critical factor. We did have several applicants who were referred
that did meet the required and desired skills for this position.

Please keep in mind that this does not mean you are not basically or
fully qualified for this position. On the contrary, you appear to meet
the basic qualifications for this position. However, in comparison to
the other applicants for this announcement and in using the skills
criteria defined by the selecting official, you were not among those who
possessed the best qualified skills.

The skills identified by management directly relate to the above duties
that the incumbent must possess to be found "best qualified." Your
resume did not match against the skills for this position. Based on my
review of the information contained in your resume, I have determined
that you do not possess the required skills specified by management as
essential to the successful performance of this position. Therefore the
original rating "Not Among best Qualified - " is sustained.

I hope this answers your questions and wish you success in your future
employment endeavors with the Department of Army. Thanks.

Please keep in mind that this does not mean you are not basically or
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney)
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Old 09-25-2007, 04:23 PM
jmarriott jmarriott is offline
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GO apply at your local trade union. We don't need you going postal. Trade Unions Love VETS.
I don't know but I've been told it's hard to swim with the weight of gold. On the other hand I have heard it said it's just as hard with the weight of lead.
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Old 09-25-2007, 05:13 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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As you know, most, if not all government jobs are put out to bid. Sounds like it's a fair systen equitable to all. Howeevr, in almost 40 years working for the feds, I found out many times a job put out for bid, the winner was picked before the bid was let out. It happened to me too damn many times, especilly when applying for a supervisory position. In one case, the job was given to the nephew of the assistant regional manager. nepotism at it's best.
Jon, I wish you luck. keep on trying. Sometimes the cards fall just right.
Paul B.
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