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Old 01-30-2010, 09:05 AM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Question game bird raising question

I'm just curious.....can you raise two different species together (I'm thinking chukar & quail) if you hatch them out at roughly the same time? I know that as they get bigger, the larger birds will probably take over and monopolize feed, ect, but I trying to think of a way to conserve brooder space.
Thanks in advance...........
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Old 01-30-2010, 11:58 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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This is what I have learned the hard way. Do NOT but bob white quail with anyother species as the quail will Kill them. They would wipe my pheasants out as fast as I could put them together. "Never would have seen that coming".
They are a crazy little bird and fun to raise by themselves .
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Old 01-30-2010, 06:05 PM
Mr. 16 gauge Mr. 16 gauge is offline
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Do NOT but bob white quail with anyother species as the quail will Kill them. They would wipe my pheasants out as fast as I could put them together.
Yeah, you're right.....I never would have seen that one coming, either. Thanks for the heads up.
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