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Old 04-17-2010, 09:25 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Roe Buck and a successful outing

Hi All,

Thought you might like to see this:-

The GSP belongs to the stalker who I was with and who filmed the video footage. Oh and yes we moved the deer before taking the stills hence no highseat in the video:-

The shot occurs at 45 seconds.

This all happened last Thursday morning at 07:30 up in Yorkshire and here is the story.

Well after a pretty restless night, afraid of over sleeping , and arising at 02:00 was on the road heading for the Humber Bridge and Yorkshire at 03:00 arriving at Robbos at 04:50 and even remembered the way I had visions of having to phone him and getting directions .

Anyway we loaded up and we off out to search for a Cull for me. Things didn't quite work out that way as we were just not seeing them. It took us three places to finally spot any deer. The biting wind and the high grey cloud was keeping them well tucked up in cover. Robbo spotted a Doe then another but they were right on the edge of a farmyard so not shootable even if they had a Buck with them, which they did as we later discovered. So after watching them for a while we moved on to the next hedgerow and glassed again the ground now visable and Robbo spots a nice 6 pt but he is 350 yards away and walking away from us.

Still early so we turned right along the hedgerow and followed it up to the next bit and again glassed. Suddenly a Buck appeared out of the hedgerow to our right about 230 yards down the right hand hedgerow at the far end of the clearing and walked towards us a bit then stopped to service his scrape and fray the branches. Boy did he kick some muck up he was really going for it and full of himself. A nice mature 6 pt, not massive, no medal head for sure, but nice but out of my mearge budget so we just watched him do it again a bit further and getting closer.

So then a debate began as I asked the cost involved in taking this one. I had booked the day (two outings morning, first light and evening, out until dark) but Robbo said if I wanted to take this one and cancel this evening it is fine by me. I know I'll see you again and and shooting this 6 Pt will clean out your budget so what will you shoot this evening? good point!

Well Robbo had put the sticks up and I was watching him through the scope and after a debate in my head I took the shot, a bit late, at 125 yards . I say a bit late as just as the trigger broke he decided to turn and walk closer so the bullet entered raking backwards and burst the diaphram and destroyed the liver. Robbo was filming it unbeknown to me at the time and it shows what I mean however he made it all of 12 feet and crashed. Time 07:30. On the way back to the truck the does had been joined by a couple of yearling does and a 4 pt in velvet .

A bunch of firsts for me involved here. This was my first 6 pointer (4 pt being the biggest before), my deer deer with Robbo and my first time using the factory Federal Fusion 150 grain in .270 Winchester. Rifle was my 59 vintage BSA Majestic Featherweight Deluxe with a 3-9x42 Lisenfeld set on 6x.
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Old 04-17-2010, 01:05 PM
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Duffy Duffy is offline
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Thumbs up

Great story, picture and video! Congratulations!
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Old 04-20-2010, 06:55 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Thank You Duffy.
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Old 04-20-2010, 11:00 AM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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Its awesome to see buck tend scraps and chase the ladies. Reminds me of me in my much younger days.
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Old 04-23-2010, 09:33 AM
bigbrother bigbrother is offline
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Beautiful Buck! Congrats!
Aim small...
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Old 04-24-2010, 12:04 AM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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Is that the same gun you have been working on and what is the average weight of a roe deer
It is cool by the way
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Old 04-26-2010, 11:07 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Originally Posted by wrenchman View Post
Is that the same gun you have been working on and what is the average weight of a roe deer
It is cool by the way
Ahhh I don't think so somehow I think your talking about the P-H 1200C in 26-06. The rifle used on this occasion is a BSA Majestic Featherweight in .270 Winchester..

Now as to Roe weights and nice big buck like this one goes probably about 60-70lbs on the hoof. I recently heard of one that was 58lbs dressed scale weight at the game dealers. That means no feet and the head off. Average I would say is more like 50lbs on the hoof with Does being lighter. My first Roe doe weighted 35lbs dressed out.

The are very fine table fare though.
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Old 04-26-2010, 06:27 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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I think the closes we would have here in body size would be the antilope.
It would be cool to have a antlered animal we could hunt in the spring here the game tends to be bear hogs or turkeys.
I have been kicking the idea of going for a hog with the younger son.
I am a fan of the posts frome you and the othere members frome across the pond i get to see animals taken we just dont see here.
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Old 04-27-2010, 05:32 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Well I finally got the photos from my camera downloaed so here they are:-

A fairly typical 6 Pointer

A normal mature Roe Buck has 6 points. Now to be in the medal class the antlers have to be longer and thicker than this one is. Some develop abnormal heads in that the antlers have more points or some tines are exceptionally long. Those sorts are out of my budget.

The Buck I fell kinda sorry for as when eating a nice piece of Backstrap the other evening I found soemthing hard so took it out and teased open the piece I was chewing only to find a .22" Pellet from an air rifle. Some rotten little toe-rag had shot it in the back with a darned Air Gun .
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