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Old 05-19-2005, 01:32 AM
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Political Undertones in Star Wars Episode III

I cannot believe what I have been reading tonight. There are allegedly political undetones in Star Wars Episode III. I read something where Lucas states that he wrote the lines before the Iraq war, but then I read something else that he wrote the outline before the Iraq war but the lines came afterward.

I was so looking forward to seeing this movie. Now, I guess I am going to have to wait until it is shown on DirectTV for free. This really sucks, but I guess principles are principles.

Oh well, the rest of you can let me know if the movie is good or not, and try not to rub it in too hard.
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Old 05-20-2005, 01:42 PM
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Thumbs up Go see the movie Fabs!

The movie rocks!!! Saw the first midnight showing with my brother and his family and hundreds of other rowdy, pumped SW fans.

George Lucas conceived the storyline for the SW films actually during the Vietnam war and has made references to the current situation in Iraq having similiarities to Vietnam.

The film deals with the fall of a Republic- no different than any other history lesson studied upon past times in our civilization and yes, one can certainly draw upon some thought-provoking analogies when considering the modern times and circumstances in which we live today. The film (IMHO) DOES NOT make a political statement, contrary to what some have reported.

People have wondered and discussed over the years as to why this particular series became so popular worldwide. Besides the dazzling array of spectacular special effects, there is a story with deep character development (and digression) along with morals, philosophies, and a premoral understanding that transcends cultures, attitudes , and beliefs.

The film was very, very good. Having read the book, I wish George Lucas would have left certain things in the film which I think would have served to help others understanding of certain scenes. He was loyal to the story and his vision which in the what mattered.

Go take your honey to see the film Fabs- you won't be disapointed!
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Old 05-20-2005, 04:03 PM
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This video goes back to the release of the last Star Wars movie. It's a bit long but hilarious. I hope none of you guys are actually seen in the background....some of these people are simply embarrasing!

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Old 05-20-2005, 06:33 PM
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I broke down yesterday after a frustrating day of work and went to see the movie. I agree with you in pretty much everything you said. The movie really leaves a person thinking.

How long ago did you get the book? Has the book been out for a while? I read the Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi books and I will agree that the books are always a lot better than the movie. I love the fact that the book lets you know what a character is thinking. When I get some time in my life (i.e., after the wedding), I am going to sit down and read the first three books.
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Old 05-20-2005, 09:50 PM
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"Political Undertones" hardly come close to Lucas' statements at the Cannes Film Festival in, where else, FRANCE.
Almost enough said, but wait, there is more............

Seems like Lucas is indeed a part of the 'evil empire' of ultra left wingers. I did not catch the last movie, but the first of the 'prequels' was a bust. I don't think this one would be worth the price of admission either.
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Old 05-23-2005, 08:07 AM
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I read the book only a few weeks ago Fabs and like you, enjoy the insight into a characters thoughts. I won't give any spoilers away for those that may wish to see the film but the book delves into different Force abilities that each of the Jedi knights posess such as Mace Windu's ability to see people's relationship to the force (he sees Obi-Wan and Anakin at opposite ends of a fulcrum, fractured and splintered with Palpatine in the middle)

We also learn in the book that Mace dabbles with the Dark side of the Force to better understand it-which explains why he fairs better against the Emperor than some of the other Jedi.

The author, Matt Stover, is also an accomplished martial arts expert, which comes through in his descriptive prose of the many lightsabre duels between the various characters.

I personally found that the book and movie together complimented each other very well in explaining the story.

I have personally read different copies of Lucas's story outlines that were written well over thirty years ago and can tell you that this last episode (along with the other two prequels) is faithful to the original story conception.

Many critics and fans did not like the first two prequels, equating them to a Sci-Fi version of CNN, however, they set the political stage for Palpatine's plotting in the fall of the Republic and the ultimate fall of Anakin Skywalker's character and that of the Jedi Order. (JMHO)
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Old 05-23-2005, 07:26 PM
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I based my remarks on what Lucas said at the film's debut in Cannes, not on what his story outline was.

Star Wars is NOT "War and Peace". This is light escapist fiction, and has no deep inner meanings. The author was mediocre at best, in his characterizations, plot development, continuity or flare for dialog.
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Old 05-24-2005, 12:01 AM
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I don't understand why people can't just go to a movie and enjoy it. Who gives a flying fornication if there are political undertones or not? The people are threatening to ruin an experience almost 20 years in the making.
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Old 05-24-2005, 10:23 AM
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Just to put a different slant on it (and not a slap to you, Tater), but I don't understand why people can't just read a book and stop putting money in the pockets of Hollywood ultra-liberal, commie idiots. That money just goes to help them further their anti-American cause. Who NEEDS movies?
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Old 05-24-2005, 10:47 AM
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Thank you, Rocky!

I haven't been to a movie in years for that one reason!!
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Old 05-24-2005, 11:08 AM
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I suppose I'll be the conscientious objector here. As far as "Who needs movies?"

I DO!!!! ME, ME, ME!!!

We can perhaps better envision the author's crafts with respect to a Star Wars novel because of Lucas and Industrial, Light, and Magic (ILM)

I personally enjoy Sci-Fi movies the same way that someone enjoys a novel (I do happen to read alot BTW) as an escape and enjoyable break from everyday life.

While I cannot comment of what George Lucas said at the Canne's Film Festival, having not personally seen or heard the comments, I personally respect his past business decisions that went against the Hollywood machine to create the Star Wars series the way that he wanted. (putting his own butt on the line while building a technolgical empire, much also in the way that moviemaking as well as computer sciences and medical technology are benchmarked today) Like him or hate him, the man pioneered the way films are made today.

What exactly did Lucas say at the film festival? Was it akin to the Dixie Chicks? I'm curious.

I personally have no problem enjoying an artist-be it a film maker or musician that posesses opinions that I do not necessarily agree with but I do take issue with these same performers when they turn it into a political platform to spew their own idealogy.

Just mt .02.
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Old 05-24-2005, 01:50 PM
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If you truly enjoy movies, then by all means go see them.

Just be aware that every dollar you feed them goes to support:

animal rights
environmental whackos
pro UN
sex offenders


and every other silly cause that Hollywood supports.

Not telling you what to do, but if I bought a movie ticket or rented a video, I'd send an equal donation to the NRA.
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Old 05-24-2005, 02:57 PM
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Rocky, couldn't agree more. Here's a link to an interesting article I read a couple weeks ago on how Hollywood has changed.

This sheds some light on Hollywood today, compared to years ago.
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Old 05-24-2005, 03:04 PM
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Since I do enjoy films Rocky, I suppose my membership and involvement with NRA, ILA, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, & the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation along with my church and Christian ministry volunteer work will have to suffice then!!

I hear where you're coming from though.

We must be careful though "when painting with a wide brush." While in the extreme minority, there are actors that do not espouse the aforementioned list of rubbish. Tom Selleck comes immediately to mind.
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Old 05-24-2005, 03:20 PM
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How about Charlton Heston. Granted, he is in the old generation of movie actors, but he was an actor nonetheless. I think you can find people in all professions that have differing opinions. I am sure there are plenty of attorneys for and against guns, and whatever else, but most people do not select an attorney, doctor, dentist, or what have you because of their view on the NRA or other things. Granted, it was pretty cool when my fiance told me that her dentist in Winchester, VA had DU stuff all over the waiting room. She said she had been going to him for about a year before she met me and had no idea what all that stuff was, but after dating me for a couple of months and then going to the dentist, she was able to recognize the DU symbol in his office, the DU magazine on the rack, and the duck art on the wall.

The problem with Hollywood is that they use their stage and their profession to try and influence American's opinion and it doesn't take much to persuade some Americans. An attorney that I clerked for before I got out of law school wanted to send a postcard to all his clients just prior to the Maryland Governor election telling them to vote for the Democratic candidate. I told him that if he did that, I would no longer work for him, so he didn't. Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion and I hate when people in positions of trust try to force their opinion on others regarding politics.
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