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Old 07-06-2005, 07:35 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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*.270win, 130gr. bullet
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Old 07-06-2005, 11:41 PM
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gotta agree with model 70.Its in my opinion 270 130gr.
shoot for fun or shoot for food just shoot\be happy
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Old 07-10-2005, 05:50 PM
rem 700 rem 700 is offline
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All hail the mighty ought six cartridges
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Old 07-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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yes i cahnge my vote to, cant remember what i voted for to many rifles on hadn to limit myself to one.

ive taken deer with the 270win, used the 3006, also taken elk with 270.

come this season ill be packn one of these and itl be luck of the draw that gets the kill.

22/250. it wont go much but it will go.
2506, itl more than likly do the dead.
270win. might get the cake cause its been good luck for me for over 12 years, same rifle same caliber lots of kills.
3006, cause grandpah gave it to me
300win. my elk rifle. might be fine turning it come deer season and test a load on deer before i head to biguns.

so your guess is as good as mine.

good luck this season everyone, were getn pretty close.

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Old 02-23-2006, 12:18 AM
theweave theweave is offline
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best ????

i am new to this forum and found and joined it because i was looking for info on the .25/300wsm (all hail hi ball) but after reading 10 pages of this bull i decided i should cut in and TELL yall about the perfect deer rifle now i started hunting with a 30/30 and killed a few deer with it then i was given a 303 brit and the first time i pulled the trigger on a deer with it i was in total awe (i was 13) it took that deer of its feet and i mean slamed it to the ground couldnt have hit it harder with a truck later my dad had a .243 built for me and had to give me a crash course on balistics because i kept shooting over every thing go figure i didnt have to hold high like with my 22lr or 30/30 or 303 when shooting at any thing that was far away (anything over 100 yds at that time) you know that .243 handloaded with a 100gr seirra accounted for a few deer after i began understanding this fantastic new concept ballistics boy was i hooked i started reading everything i could find on the stuff then i would go to school and amaze my buddies with this stuff heck i was balistics specialist in the making that was about the time i found out who jack was and about the .270 win i had to have one so i did my chores saved up half and with some help from good old dad (who shoots a 25-06 115 gr nos par) bought one i was ready for anything with those nifty store bought 130's i was on my way to makeing myself a nusiance to all my uncles and my dad because just about every deer i shot i had to have help to find why? because there was no blood no exit wound but how could this be i read the books studied the balistics but my holy .270 win didnt kill as good as i had read why? well in later years i discovered through trial eror and handloading that balistic dont mean doodly squat if you dont couple them with the right bullet so what is the greatest deer rifle well in my opinion theres not a perfect caliber out there they are all good or great within their limits but what i have come to look for in any of the calibers that i now hunt with is the combination of an accurate load which leaves an exit wound and does minimal damage to edible flesh but optimal damage to organs in my .243 its 100gr seirra gk at 3100 in my .270 its 140 gr accubond bt at 2950 in my .300 win mag its 165gr seirra gk at 3150 is one any better on deer than the other not in my hummble opinion they are all accurate they dont ruin to much meat and all leave an exit wound 95% of the time the other 5% they run in to too much bone but when that happens i usually dosent matter because all of that bullets energy is expended and it nocks them in the dust so after wading thru all this bull whats the best .....the one that lets you walk right up to that deer with minimal effort on the way... wether its a 220 or a 338 or my next project .25/300wsm (which id like to have more input on) use the right combination of caliber and load and you will have a "perfect" deer rifle

long live the bull !!!

ps i have a 74 scout just in case you where wondering
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Old 02-23-2006, 01:14 AM
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Welcome to the board "theweave."

At first, I thought you were going to be one of these guys with "the perfect deer cartridge", but it looks like you actually understand that there is no such thing.

If you want answers regarding the .25/300 wsm, you should start a new thread in the rifles forum titled .25/300 wsm. I know Rocky knows a lot about rifles and wildcat cartridges, and I know there are plenty of other guys on here that know a lot about rifles and ballistics. I am an amateur compared to those guys.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 02-23-2006, 10:23 AM
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The Best of course is the one you have harvested the most deer with. That of course in my case is the 6.5-06 with a 140 gr sierra bullet.
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Old 02-23-2006, 08:50 PM
hofts hofts is offline
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perfect deer rifle/cartridge

easy, new ultra light arms, mountain rifle in 7mm-08. or 280.

all the talk about speed, ever seen something killed with a 35 whelen.........oh my god.!!! instant death. no walking period.
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Old 02-25-2006, 12:38 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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for all your short mag wild catting needs. what shortmags are you currently plaing with. do you have the 300wsm thatl be your donor rig.

anyways im just curious is all im still looking for that perfect big game hunting rig one that specificaly goes after deer. i hope i never find it or atleast keep talking my self into trying new ones.

ive tried the 270win
and also use 3006 but ive never taken game with it.
also used 270wsm for a shortwhile and loaded 140gr nos bts. great acuracy and good results on coyotes at range.

ive got 165gr nos bt loaded as the deer bullet in the 06. 100gr nos bt loaded in the 2506 and use 140s in the 270wsm(need another 277wsm)

ive yet to load for the 270win. rem core lockts hammer them plenty good in facotry fodder.

im also intrigued with the 25wsm. id like to do one some day but i have 2506. so i think ive talked myself into staying with the 270wsm so i can make use of my stash of 140gr bullets and 270wsm cases. i drop in there everyounce inawhile

jave a good one

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Old 03-15-2006, 12:11 AM
theweave theweave is offline
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i order a barreled action from montana rifle a couple of weeks ago and should be recieving it in the next couple of weeks have since been trying to locate dies it seems that redding are the only ones that have them in stock for the 25/300wsm about $240 for the three die set $180 for 2 die set any one found them cheaper? i order the black mat action with 26" stainless barrel and am planning on mating it to a houge or choate stock havent decide yet i hope to have it set up and shooting good so that i can test different bullets on some hogs (great test media) before we go down to mexico for next deer season i would like to take it this year along with my 7 rem mag or 300win mag if i can find the right load bullet combo that will perform correctly i like an exit wound if i dont hit both shoulders and by testing the varrious load bullet combos on hogs i will have a real good idea of what it will be capable of anyone replying with load data would be a big help getting stared i am planning on using 270wsm data to start with i will post more info on my action barrel choice as i can

"the bull lives to die another day"

the weave
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Old 03-15-2006, 06:30 PM
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Over the last fifty years, our little party in Michigan (eleven guys, one gal) have taken deer with all of the following:

.303 Enfield (sporterized)
.30/30 (six different guns--both Winchester and Marlin)
.308 (two)
.30/40 Krag (don't ask)
.30/06 (two)
7mm Mag
.357 Magnum (not a rifle, I just thru that in cuz it was me)
.444 Marlin
.35 Remington
.300 Winchester Mag

As well as various .50 and .54 cal muzzleloaders, and 12, 16 and 20 Ga shotguns.

I could go into long and boring details about each one, and how each owner swore by what he was using, until he bought another.

In the off season we discuss calibers and loads like the Lions discuss quarterbacks, and it's always interesting to see who shows up with what.

The .270 and the .06 have been the only "stayers", though.

I have a daughter just coming up on hunting age, and I am seriously considering a .270 or .280, mainly because I don't own one yet.

As to Mustangs, '65, '75 and '79, but they're all gone now.
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Last edited by deermeister; 03-15-2006 at 06:37 PM.
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