Lil Red'
The invasion is everywhere and there doesn't seem like there is anything slowing it down. The sheer numbers of people have overfilled our nation. When does some politician say that there is no more room at the U.S.A. Inn and Motel. There is less quality in the majority of people coming along now. The more crowded it becomes, the worse it will be for everyone. I shot my first deer about 200 yards from the intersection deemed the most dangerous in the North part of Houston, Texas. When I go into that area now I keep my windows rolled up and I'm glad I have a ccw. John
Nice doesn't mean weak. |
Re: Lilred
Lil, I moved out to a house on 6.5 acres west of Manassas just two years ago to try and escape the Northern Virginia Zone......what has come of it has been a strip mall and about 1000 townhomes that have caused so much congestion and traffic that it is sick....Of my 30 years, I have lived in Virginia for over 20 of them, but this place is making me sick. We need to have NO development laws put in place to protect our state.
vashadow |
Montana and Wyoming
Well DaMadman...looks as though we may be getting outta here if things work out right. Found a small ranch/farm(about 160 acres which ain't much out there) in Wyoming to live on cause there is no state income tax...and will have a bit left to spend in Montana for some farm ground. It's cheaper up there than it is in Wyoming..so I guess we will be closer than ya thought. Gonna probably buy the small place in Wyoming now...and the rest in Montana when the farm here gets sold. Lots of people coming around looking now. Time to sell!!!
Hey Lilred....why don'cha make the move out that way yourself? It's like it was where I live 30 yrs ago out in the Wyoming farm country. People don't worry bout lockin the doors or nothing. Remember what that was like? you dasn't do that round here any more!
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
Good Rant, Lilred!
This country is history. We're all set to fall as the Romans did and will. It'll be "President Xiang Gnu Puck" or "Mohammed Akbar Zawi" before you know it. The Libs will see to it.
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didnt they name of Strength of Cigarrette after Virginia.
AARON Shoot straight ,tell the truth,aim small,miss small. |
I know almost exactly where you live. I was looking at some of the new homes being built in Gainesville, VA because my fiance works at the Target pharmacy out there. Decided against buying out there because my clients wouldn't like to make the drive out to Virginia since they are mostly from Montgomery County. However, the same house in Gainesville was going for $480,000 whereas the same house here was $700,000. Makes a person think twice. As far as there being no development in Northern Virginia, it would take an act of God to stop it. The money that is flowing in from the developing is insane. The home prices are escalating so the counties and states are getting more income in real estate taxes. I listen to 92.5, a Winchester, VA station which I love. Actually heard an ad for Smith & Wesson and a gun shop on that station. Almost fell over. Then this morning I heard an ad for a hunters safety course being held in VA. Almost fell over again. Anyway, the radio station said that the escalating home prices were going to bring in an additional 3 million in property tax revenue. The construciton is not going to stop along the eastern sea board for quite a while. Now, is the population increase the result of immigration, people living longer, or couples having more than 2 kids each? Probably a combination of the above.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
And the sad thing? You watch that area as it builds out. It won't be long and those commercials for Smith & Wesson or Hunter Safety classes will be gone as the Libs move in since they cashed out their homes in DC, Maryland, etc an buy up the land that is so "cheap" and then start insisting that things be the way they were where they came from....then the Starbucks will come.....and the hunting will go.....
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I have no doubt that the hunting will go, but it will go for the very same reason that it will go for where I live right now. I used to hunt doves and geese just 5 minutes from where I live now. The main road I live off of now runs east to west and was the dividing line between firearms zone and nonfirearms zone. There were a ton of cornfields around this place. Now, there are a ton of homes and almost no place to fire a firearm safely. That is why hunting and shooting will go from these places. It is kind of like trying to hunt in a crowded downtown street in Washington, DC. First off, there isn't any game and second of all it is too dangerous for the people around you. The farm that I used to hunt on was sold about 5 years ago, so I don't hunt there anymore. However, I was able to hunt deer on a farm just down the road form it where the deer were causing massive crop damage. The DNR gave the farm owner a ton of crop damage permits and required that the hunters sign up to hunt there with the owner's permission and qualify to hunt there by putting 3 out of 5 shots in a paper plate at 40 yards (which I think is ridiculous since a person should be able to put all 5 shots in that plate if they want to hunt in a residential zone). Essentially, the homes drive the geese and deer to secluded spots in between them. I have geese and ducks living right behind me in a 5 to 10 acre wetland that was created between some condos, my townhouse section, and some single family homes on the opposite side of me. Problem with hunting down there is that homes are in any direction that you set up to shoot in. The ducks and geese love the environment, but it just isn't suitable for hunting.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
There is nothin left of northern va..you'd have to move out my way fore you see any peace.
I dont think it's kids..ner immigrants..I think it's the folks from the north. I caint tell you how many people I talk to each day, and how many are from the north..a safe percentage would be 90%, and they all go nuts over the way I talk. "Where you from?" they always say. my reply..."Right here" lol Richmond is a hot spot..w/ monument ave and all..staues of Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson and the like run up and down that street..places like Jeff Davis hwy and thr Robert E lee schools...all will be gone. Wether we like it er not, it's our heritage..and one that should not be tampered w/ or destroyed just cause they aint from round here. Nor should our woods and fields be destroyed fer the same reason. Look at WVA..prime example. They took everything that state had fer resources. Most lived offa the land, just like we do. Now, the mtns are blown up so bad, a weed wouldnt grow, much the ginseng, pinkroot and animals that people still depend on today to live. Same w/ the mtns of VA. WVA had to resort to gamblin casinos...well by God..it's illegal here, and I prey it stays that way! Fabs said earlier that he aint like VA laws..but you see..nobody w/ the open mind would like em. They seem to harsh and stuff..like them makin a change in the VA contitution bout bannin gay marriages. But, look at it from our pov...we DONT want them laws changed. We like bein old-fashioned and we are set in our ways bout what is right and wrong. Agreed w/ Fabs tho, some are stupid..but it's what we want..the old Virginians..not some feller from LA w/ a Rolls. Tis the way it should be I think. Funny thing tho, it aint stoppin the mad rush fer folks to live here. As fer as huntin, they'll never take that away. Even in the VA tourism guide, huntin is in there..lol.. As fer as me movin out west..I appreciatte the thought..but this here is my home. I could not imagine bein anywhere else..even iffin I'm sittin here watchin the destruction of it.
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam |
DustyInfo Four states in the United States are designated as commonwealths: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. www.dustyinfo.com/commonwealths.html - 559 - Cached - More from this site
........ "Fear nothin but God" "You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." ~ John Quincy Adams |
Homes etc
Lilred...take it from a died in the wool eastern shore of Maryland person. After you've seen enough of the place you grew up destroyed for simple greed you'll be ready to move. I Am. My family has lived within 10 miles of where I live since the late 1600's. A few days ago I had a family in to look at my property and they were from China for god's sake. The PRC..communist China. I don't want to sell to them..not because they are Chinese..but they aren't even citizens..but according to the law if they offer I have to sell if they meet my price etc. The realtor said the man stated he was going to make a full price(cash) offer on the place. Doesn't seem right...selling a piece of America to a foreigner. I've already turned down a couple of offers from developers...because I don't want the land turned into a housing development. Caught 'tween a rock and a hard place.... All them people tying to get away from the city...and bringing it with 'em Oh well.
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
to many people
He11, Ya can come to Wyoming. We're the least populated state in the land and for the most part still a free people without all the liberal eastern and kalifonicater attitudes. Molon Labe !!!!! We still have room for HONEST hard workin, gun lovin, hard huntin freemen. Hnter |
You don't want to sell to a developer, but what assurance do you have that these Chinese people buying your property will not sell it to a developer or that they aren't an undisclosed agent for a developer or developers themselves? Something doesn't seem right if they are offering a cash payment for the place without any financing. Anyway, good luck with the sale and all I can say is don't come back and look at the place a couple of years after you sell it. I have been debating taking a ride up to PA to look at a farm that my aunt and uncle owned about 20 years ago, but I am scared that my fond memories of the place will be ruined when I get there by seeing homes built on the place. That happened to a piece of property that my parents sold in PA about 25 years ago. As soon as they sold the property, a house started to go up on it. That made me sick.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
We Yanks have been buying land in other countrys for years for Gods sake, so whats the diff if Gooks buy here?
As far as cash payment offer is concerned, that's their prefered way of payment. Besides it all cash saves them & you bucks. I went back to my ole homstead farm a few years ago and saw unplowed overgrown fields teaming with shrubs, browse, deer, gamebirds and rabbits which we never had, we were to busy scrambling to make a living. I was impressed!!!!!! Pleased too !!!!!!! hnter |