I am not a big fan of alcohol or pot, but to those that drink and/or get high, more power to them.
Personally, let them legalize all the drugs out there. Cigarettes have been legal for decades with a warning on them about how bad they are. My brother smokes like a chimney and my Uncle is dying right now of lung cancer. Fatty foods are still legal and plenty of people are still dying of heart attacks. Maybe legalizing drugs will prevent a lot of the violent crime, make them more affordable to those that want to destroy their life, and bring in tax revenue to help the rest of us. Plus, it might clean out the gene pool a little.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
"The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is America's Original Homeland Security Bill" |
The soybean is already in production in Indiana for Bio-deseil The tag line is "burnin the bean" .
When the new farm Co-op in Pendleton building is operational the will be stocking the bio-desiel. The big news is turning the waste of corn stocks into desiel, Celulous fiberous bio-desiel and that can be done right now also just not being done. I beat you can make desiel fuel out of lots of stuff like donut grease from krispy creme and such. Nothern Indiana is full of wild hemp plants from WWI and WWII where it was legal to grow. The locals up there call it weeds and weeds it is, No so called medicinal value so to speak. They don't want hemp messing up the medicinal variaties that are most likely the largest cash crop in most midwestern states. not to menition states that arn't in the corn belt.
I don't know but I've been told it's hard to swim with the weight of gold. On the other hand I have heard it said it's just as hard with the weight of lead. |
There are tons of wild hemp plants growing along railroad tracks in Missouri. I am told the seeds blew off trains when they used the hemp to make rope many years ago.
I had a buddy that had a brainstorm in college. He and another fella went out and picked two 55gal trashbags full of that crap and took the chance to pick it and bring it back to the frat house and dry it all out and package it. Only to piss off a bunch of his brothers and friends and have to give back all the cash he took in. Not to mention a few ass kickins when folks found out he was sellin ditch weed. Andy |
ANd there is still the fact that people smoke the BUDS not the leaves.
Man... are people really that dumb? Yeah I guess they are. People do all sorts of stupid stuff. Like smoke the buds. None of that is for me. I just don't enjoy being "altered". Jabba
"The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is America's Original Homeland Security Bill" |
I'm all for reducing Our dependence on foreign energy cartels.
I do know, however, that the current list of "alternate" fuels ALL have their troubles/problems. Ethanol Cost more energy to make than it produces. The Various Bio Diesels all have the same trouble, and some need to be blended with something to make them usable.Remove all of the subsidies for growing them (or ethanol) and the trouble grows exponentially. Hemp Is NORMAL/Pot heads Trying for the "Dream" . Hemp might have made good rope, but its nothing that you can't make better these days. Sorry! Hemp makes nothing, that makes economic sense. Hydrogen Would be the best fuel! But it has more that it's share of troubles too. How do you keep it in a container, when it's smaller (molecularly) than the steel or aluminum container holding it? It "Slips" out in-between the steel molecules of the container or seals. Keeping it in large enough quantities "On Board" your vehicle is a huge problem too. It takes very low temperatures and high pressures to make it liquid. Electric The power has to come from somewhere! + Battery costs+ Battery replacement+Limited range & Speed. I know that some/most of these problems can be solved/made better, but it's going to take allot of work & $$$$$ to do so. Tall Shadow |