My quote from above was trying to key in on the comment of illegal guns involved in crime. Uber dork was tying LEGAL GUN OWNERSHIP, with illegal stuff.
And he PLANTED people to try and get guns illegally. Shouldn't the other states sue him for it?
I tell you I don't get no respect. Why, the surgeon general, he offered me a cigarette. (Rodney) |
Plants etc
I know of at least one attempt to buy a gun in a straw sale(buying a gun for someone else not able to purchase it legally). It was perpetrated by a reporter for a large newspaper back east. This is patently illegal to attempt and the guy wasn't even charged. The dealer was somewhat annoyed as he didn't sell the gun to them and reported the crime to the BATF which did absolutely nothing about it This stuff with the Bloomberg people is about the same exact thing. You know..people say that why shouldn't we register guns...we register cars don't we? The whole difference is that the Constitution doesn't guarantee the right to have a car...But it does guarantee the right to have a firearm to ANY law abiding citizen...And the people like this Bloomberg don't want us to have that right..so they do anything they can to take that right away..even if it isn't quite legal! Heck you do anythig wrong with a firearm and they will try to take that right away from you.. But you can drive drunk as many times as you can till they send ya to jail...then when ya get out you can get another car. Sheesh!
skeet@huntchat.com Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Benjamin Franklin |
The issue is on the ole bait n switch...someone comes in, buys a gun and then gives it to somebody else once they hit the parkin lot.....
ok....how is the gun shop responsible fer that???? Same with cigerettes, beer, what the hellever else. How can anybody effectively monitor that??? Well howd-dee-do, knock me down and call me shorty....they caint!
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam |