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Old 03-22-2007, 10:34 PM
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captain2k_ca captain2k_ca is offline
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omg, I couldnt imagine people that dumb they dont weigh at least some of their powder loads......


So far I have been measuring all of mine......but the powder I am using doesnt feed through my measure as good as it could.....not very consistent.......Was reloading some .223 and the powder was alot finer, it measured just fine
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Flying to the fun!!!

I like to shoot vermin
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Old 03-22-2007, 11:00 PM
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BILLY D. BILLY D. is offline
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Ah, Posness Warren, now there is a name near and dear to my heart. I bought a 375 Duomatic in 1975 and it still works just like the day I bought it. Great machine.

Powder scale, who needs a powder scale, thats what those bushings are for aren't they? I don't need no steenking scale, I know what I'm doing. BLAH, BLAH Ad Nauseum.

These are the same people you meet with loosened actions etc.
Gee I wonder how they got that way. Or why.

#24 says thats 17.2 grs of red Dot, i don't need to check it. Uh huh. And it don't make any difference which primer I use.

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Old 03-23-2007, 07:09 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Yep loose actions and other things

Another goober. Guy comes in and says he needs some more red dot. OK...the guy loads a fair amount of trap loads and he actually has a scale. Don't know if he ever used it..but I sold him one so I know.. Get the powder out and it is in a 4 lb can. He says ...Hey they used to make that in 5 lb I guess the price went up etc etc. I said no they only made it in 4 lbs. He says the last time he bought some for his goose loads it was in 5 lbs. I this for goose loads? He says yep. I say not Red Dot. Blue Dot maybe but not Red Dot. Got really indignant! Fired right up...kinda like our fav gal Lilred! He says. I don't know what I am talkin about ..just sell him the Red Dot. I refused. Told him to get his powder elsewhere. Cussed me till a fly wouldn't light on me. Told him to leave. Goes thank goodness!! Calls me back the next day all apologetic. Asks if I have any Blue Dot. Figured I really didn't need his business so I said no. Never sold the guy another item for reloading again. He was the kind that woulda blown a gun up and "blamed" me. Bout 40 grains of Red Dot under 1 7/8 oz of shot woulda done it too.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:31 PM
Contenderizer Contenderizer is offline
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For the low volume user, or the beginner, you can't beat Lee. Plus, they will custom make dies for less then the others get for their run of the mill dies - which is great if you fire-form brass such as the 22 K Hornet.

Even if you don't care for Lee, you can thank them for holding down the prices the others charge.
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