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Old 02-20-2008, 09:51 AM
Cossack Cossack is offline
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My loading for a 30-30 are for a single shot 10" 'hand cannon,' thus I can load spitzer bullets. Powder choices include BCL2, H335 and Reloader 7.
BUT, if I were loading a tube magazine gun, would take a serious look at Horaday's LeverLution bullets. They have a soft plastic tip so can be loaded into tube without danger of 'tube discharge' but allegedly give vastly flattened trajectory, ergo distance and accuracy, for the venerable tuty tuty.
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Old 02-20-2008, 11:54 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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Hornady's LeveRevolution bullets are not available as reloading components - yet.

For a tube-fed gun, stick to traditional 150 or 170 flat-tip bullets, or similar roundnoses.
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Old 02-20-2008, 12:14 PM
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My years of 30-30 reloading are all with single shot handguns which are much stronger than the Marlin or Winchester action, so I will not go into loads. But as Rocky has said, 3031 is pretty much the standard for jacketed bullets. I prefer H-4227 for the cast or the standard Unique load of 10gr with just about any bullet weight. For cast bullets I prefer the 150 RCBS FN GC and the 165 FP GC. Both bullets give good results with the 150 FN probably being a better game bullet.
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Old 05-09-2008, 10:14 AM
dakotah dakotah is offline
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In an earlier reply I suggested H335. I have now tried it in my Marlin - Glenfield 30 and it shoots great and the velocity is up there with other loads in the manuals I have looked at.

I have order a Model 94 off the WEB. When I get that going I will likely try H335 first. But then I have lots of H335.

Hodgen provides loads for free in pamphlet and on the WEB, so I won't mention loads.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:09 AM
dakotah dakotah is offline
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With the H335 and 170 grain flat points I shoot .75 inch groups with the Marlin with a scope on it. That group doubles when I take off the scope and use a aperature rear sight and a post front (Lyman 17a) -- If I could use an aperature front sight the groups would go down. My eyesight is such that the front sight is too often fuzzy w.o. glasses. If I were corrective lenses so I can focus on the front sight the target gets blurry -- but this is the best for me. With aperatures sights the fuzziness is not such a problem. But the lever action silhouette groups I shoot with wants us to use post front sights.

The Winchester 94 also has a Lyman 66 rear sight (vintage) but it has an original front sight (Sort of a round ball on a post) I can only shoot 1 - 2 1/2 inches. The groups vary, but I blame my eye sight rather than the gun or load.
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