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Old 09-15-2008, 06:33 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Red face Ya know Skeet...

I probably would try the .300 Winnie Mag again as the felt recoil probably isn't too much worse than a hot 30.06 cartridge. The 416 that I shot prior to the .300, had a miserable hard butt plate on the stock and the scope was set-up with poor eye relief, in all honesty, I am sure that my shooting form was quite poor back then (in my mid 20's ) and I am lucky that I did not rip my eye out of it's socket. I would also not attempt a benchrest shooting with a larger caliber without the aid of a leadsled.

"Yeeehhhaaawww..I alus wanted to be the son of a rich father!" And here I was getting all excited Skeet, thinking that it was you that was going to be doing all the paying and adopting!

Gosh Darn! I was just thinking how much fun it would be on that offshore rig with some exotic beauties pulling trap for us boat-side when the fishing slowed down! Oh well, I guess I'll have to get back at work!

Wifey is supposed to begin bringing me home the mish-mash of the new reloading collection begiining later in the week.
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Old 09-16-2008, 06:38 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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Hmmm. A .16 with a hard butt plate. I'd almost venture a guess it was a Ruger. That piece of hard rubber they call a recoil pad is a joke. I shoot the Ruger #1's in .404 jeffery and .416 Rigby only rarely and I have to be feeling rather masochistic to do so. Seriously though, I only shoot them from either off hand or from a rest that allows one to shoot standing up. Does a decent job of allowing one to roll with the punch.
You do realize that the .416 Rigby and the .460 Weatherby use the same case don't you? The only differnce is Weather put a belt on the case and uses his silly lookong rounded shoulder. To put it another way, I can load up my Rigby using data for the Weatherby without paying the high price of Weatherby ammo. However, I've never felt masochistic enough to do it. My right shoulder is in bad enough shape from arthritis as it is, so why aggravate it even more?
Anyway, there haven't been any T-rex's invading my back yard lately so my dogs are safe. I've always enjoyed the challenge of shooting the big bores but twixt arthritis and old age, the biggest thing I usually shoot anymore might be an 06 or .270. My .280 has very little kick, feeling more like a .243 due the fact that it weighs a bit over ten pounds ready to go out the door. Just too darn heavy to pack at high altitudes where I hunt.
Paul B.
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Old 09-17-2008, 06:35 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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Thumbs up You're pretty good PJ

If memory serves correctly, it actually was a Ruger rifle in .416 that damn near dislocated my shoulder and eye socket. Not that I have a need for it at all today but I suppose that your style of shooting this caliber either offhand or from a standing position probably does do a much better job of absorbing recoil while mimicking an actual hunting situation. Unfortunately, the PR that I shoot at that is closest to me does not allow any off-hand rifle shooting. (Illinois-Chicago area-don't even get me started ) so I have to grab my arsenal when I head down South to visit relatives.

"You do realize that the .416 Rigby and the .460 Weatherby use the same case don't you? "

Actually PJ, I did not know that but had pondered a few times myself as to why the Weatherby cartridges were so much more expensive. I had come across some fair deals (at least they seemed like fair deals to me at the time) on some beautiful Weatherby rifles in Weatherby calibers from time to time at various gun shows and always shyed away when faced with the prospect of ponying up for the Weatherby ammunition. The other reasons were typically that they were just too nice of a rifle to be taken afield and would be relegated to the safe. All of my rifles see duty. If I am ever fortunate enough to someday end up in much higher tax brackets with oodles of time on my hands, I'd certainly consider some different guns!
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Old 09-17-2008, 03:25 PM
PJgunner PJgunner is offline
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YUP! The .378 Wby, .416 Wby and 460 Wby are all based on the .416 Rigby case with Roy's addition of the belt and that silly rounded shoulder.
I learned that a long time ago reading jack O'Connor where he said he had to buy .460 WBY brass and turn the belts off in a lathe, the resize and fireform to make brass for his .416 Rigby that he planned to take to Africa.
Nowadays, Federal loads the .416 Rigby in their premium ammo. I haven't bought any in some time now, but the last time it was $125.00 a box of 20. That's about $6.25 every time you torch one off. Needless to say, that's one reason I don't shoot mine very often. My bad shoulder is the other reason.
Paul B.
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Old 10-11-2008, 08:51 AM
Terry Blauwkamp Terry Blauwkamp is offline
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300 Wby

I'd use 168 gr Barnes TSX. It will not blow a fist size hole thru your Deer.
May I be half the man, my dog thinks I am.
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Old 03-14-2009, 02:11 AM
TKO TKO is offline
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I am always a sucker for a deals like this, but for me I have learned not to buy a bunch of someone elses stuff... I would suggest you take a look in cabelas for the rcbs combo kit, rcbs has a great warranty, and their press is built like a tank. A lot of the items listed you might not ever use, and would just clutter you bench... just my 2 cents
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