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Old 09-09-2004, 08:47 PM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Thats fine it they had a prior conviction or should I say Federal conviction.
So whats your stand on this ? You want EVERYbody to be packing or not. Unless convicted of a felony or nuts that is and that mental thing is a joke as that is private info. and can't get that anyway.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
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Old 09-10-2004, 09:05 AM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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How long have you been in law enforcement? A state conviction for a felony makes one a "prohibited person" and is barred from any gun ownership. Also some misdemeanors can make one a "prohibited person" and a person who is the subject of a Protection From Abuse order may not purchase a firearm, check the last line on the Form 4473. It asks, "Are you the subject of a "qualifed PFA?" In PA, there is no jury trial, merely a hearing before a judge to get to the qualified PFA. As for the mental background check, mental files are scanned in the phone-in background check before a "GO" number is given to the FFL dealer to authorize a gun purchase.

My stand on this issue is that any person with a clean record should be allowed to obtain a CCW. All the bad guys are already armed and no law will prevent bad guys from packing iron. Since the BGs are armed, why not let honest folks carry? The BG would not know which of his intended victims are armed, and what could be more fair? I was never concerned with guns in honest hands, it was the less than half percent in bad guys' hands that gave me full employment. If you read the Constitution, all honest folks have the right to bear arms. It gives fits to anti-gunners and Liberals who believe if they pass enough gun control laws, they "May" disarm a criminal or two. Compare Massachusetts to Vermont and see what I mean.

Adam Helmer
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Old 09-10-2004, 09:50 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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To answere the first question = over 23 years and how about you. Any more smart assed questions will be directed in a pm (maybe).
Game Bird hatchery/ACO
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Old 09-10-2004, 02:40 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I did not ask any "smart xxxxx" questions. I asked because you posted it was a federal conviction that makes one a "prohibited person" ineligible for legal gun ownership when there are also state felonies that make one ineligible from legal gun ownership, and also PFA matters. I tried to explain the many factors that make one ineligible to own any firearm, let alone obtain a CCW. I spent 26 years and 5 months as a federal agent. I hope this clarifies the matter, and a PM is not necessary. Be well.

Adam Helmer
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Old 09-10-2004, 07:22 PM
popplecop popplecop is offline
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Lokk did any think that this might be a cog in the step for a nation wide CC. The Congress saw fit to pass it and the President signed it in to law. If you are against it contact you're elected representive and voice your opion. I am sure Nulle ment and felony conviction. Enough s enough now let's talk firearms and hunting. Oh years, in Law Enforcement on Various levels including Federal and that really doesn't make me any smarter than anyone else. I've been retired for 16 Glorious Years.
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Old 09-10-2004, 09:45 PM
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It should be a no-brainer for a LEO to carry anywhere he/she goes. Right?
But unfortunately, current guys like Nulle and our retired officers like Adam have been mis-trusted up to this point with carrying a gun in other jurisdictions.
That's the same thing I was addressing when I agreed that the average person should have the same liberties.
Fortunately you guys have been taken care of now.

How my comment got twisted into LEO-bashing is beyond me and personally I resent it if that is addressed to me.

Going back to CCW in Illinois. There was no 911 while in the Springbrook Prairie/Forest Preserve outside of Naperville 2 winters ago. No fault of LE, they can't be everywhere.
But I needed assistance at that moment, not 5, 10 or 20 minutes later. My Pa. CCW-carried handgun should have been my 911 if I had it.

The average joe who is responsible and rational and has a CCW should be able to carry across state lines too.
While on a trip to Chesapeake City, Md a few weeks ago, I forgot to unload my auto when I crossed into Maryland. It didn't help that the border isn't clearly marked where I drove over the line (Skeet can probably vouch for that one). About 10 minutes over the border I remembered and despised the feeling (my conscience) of being a lawbreaker due to an imaginary line on a map. If we had been stopped, I would have been in a lot of trouble. This is the kind of stuff that the citizen still puts up with.

It's only about control.

Your right Popplecop, even though this forum is titled Concealed Carry, maybe we should get back to hunting topics.

If someone wants to continue this discussion with me, feel free to shoot off a PM.

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Old 11-12-2005, 08:00 AM
papi papi is offline
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leo ccw

why should a leo person be required to go thru a ccw course?they have already gone thru years of training.a ccw course is just hours long.same with the military.they get no where the training as a leo.i retired after 25 years.the new law does allow the reired leo to carry but they are supposed to show proficiency.the problem is that there is no guidelines for the proficiency.i have a hard time understanding why one person says he does not trust the police.i imagine it is for reasons he will not admit.i think it is just plain stupid to compare a leo trained person to a military person.a few hours training does not hold water with years of training
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Old 11-12-2005, 06:52 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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Welcome to the Forum. I agree that a retired LEO is far better qualified than those who receive lesser training. Also, my state does not require or offer CCW courses.

Adam Helmer
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Old 11-14-2005, 09:56 PM
papi papi is offline
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speaking for texas officers we are required bt dept policy to carry 24-7.state law allows us to carry 24-7.courts have upheld the ruling that you are a cop 24-7 and not just the time on duty.there are laws in texas that of a officer is near something happening and does not assist then he can be up for both state and departmental jurisdiction in texas is not limited to just the area you work. you carry the power of arrest thru out the state
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Old 01-07-2006, 10:56 PM
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Originally posted by VinVega
Now let's see this get done with the normal everyday guy who also deserves to protect himself just the same.
Some states have reciprocity agreements with adjacent states on CCW. That means you can carry if you leave your state and go into another. Yes like you I would like to see it for any state you venture into.
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