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Old 03-22-2005, 09:35 AM is offline
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hntr...better watch inviting the easterners out there...look at what happened to cadifornia and hoddyvood....I loose hunting ground every year here in one year alone the count was 13 of my favorite places to be. New housing plans with the 3 and 4 thousand dollar house and the money they use to buy and post all around them. A new extension of the PA turnpike cut through 1/2 of 4 hills that held deer on one of them at any given time. The mount I have on the wall was the last deer taken at what is now a toll booth.. which is x the road from the old homestead the state bought for the road. The airline pilots are buying farms in the last of the rural areas here and either selling them off for houses or posting them all...along with going to council meetings to eliminate the spread of fertalizer...the federal government tries to tell the farmers what they can and can't plant or do on their far the farmers keep a hold....the farms I hunt on have no government loans and keep the feds off the far......the money a Dr. has got the new road moved to the next hill so it wouldn't interfere with his posted land....which by the way use to be my backyard.......PA is loosing the hunting numbers. Some due to older age, some to economics but the biggest reason given to why they gave up hunting?...Loss of places to hunt....which is another game plan of the place to hunt.....not need guns......hummm
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Old 03-22-2005, 05:08 PM
hnter hnter is offline
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I know full well the Anti's adjendas. I'm an Officer/Director of the WSSA which is the NRA's Wyoming state affiliate. I've been fighting the darned Anti's and leftist enviro religious greens for years. Without alot of help from others I'll add
As far as private hunting land is concerned I own a ranch in western Neb and illegal hunters and poachers are my biggest problem. We allow public hunting, as long as they ASK PERMISSION we give it. But there are those who think they have the right to tresspass and tear our property up and drive on our cropland and pastures without any regard for our property rights.
I'm the one who spends time and money planting (turkeys, quail, pheasants & chuckers) birds and putting out feed, minerals, cover areas and water to the critters, not them. I've yet to have the 1st hunter who's been given permission to hunt our land offer me as much as a quail out of their bag or buy me a cup of coffee in town.
A retired bum, Opinionated Old Fart living happily in Free Wyoming.
Never go any where unarmed, it's your right as an American.
Only from my cold dead hands could you take my guns: C. Heston & I. Vote freedom first, last and always!
Molon Labe!
Life NAHC. NRA (Endowment).
Officer: Wyoming State Shooting Association,
Member: WSSA, Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), GOA, RKBA , JFPO.
Founder: Wyoming Off Road Vehicle Association: Access, access, access!
Fair public access for all to all public lands on or off wheels.
Tick (Pi$$) a liberal off TODAY and every day !! Elitests SUCK!
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Old 03-22-2005, 05:20 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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That is horrible. One guy I hunt with brings a ham to every farmer that lets him hunt and we always offer to give them geese and ducks if they want them. Personally, I only have permission to hunt two farms and I know the land owners so well that if they need help with something I don't hesitate to lend a hand. That is what is wrong with hunters in general. Actually, I will say that is what is wrong with people in general.

Almost everybody thinks about themselves first and they don't care about anybody else. I thought it would be different in the country, but it doesn't seem to be that way. A lot of the country guys are jealous that I drive a nice new truck and that I have nice new guns, so they really give me a hard time. I have no idea what to do about people in general. I guess we just have to give a person the benefit of the doubt until he proves us wrong. Then, log it into memory and never allow him to do it again.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 03-23-2005, 11:32 AM
hnter hnter is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Douglas, WY.
Posts: 512
Hunters in general

I should probably post this elsewhere but.....

It is, IN MY OPINION, that hunters are their own wost enemy. The average rancher/farmer works the land and if PROPERLY ASKED will allow public access for hunting. However he/she doesn't appriciate having our doors banged upon and being asked for permission to hunt at 10 PM the night before or at 5AM the morning of the hunt !!!

and they wonder why we say NO, or some charge for hunting access !!!!
Nope, not one hunter has ever asked if he/she could help with chores, fencing or anything else.
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