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Old 05-27-2005, 10:00 PM
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Oh yeah, ds. That proves it alright, after all, it's on the internet so it MUST be true. I'm convinced.

BTW, Republican Kool-aid for me, thank you!
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Old 05-29-2005, 01:13 AM
ds ds is offline
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Yes tree doc, I forgot. You die-hard Bushies are reaaaaalll sticklers on documentig sources for such serious things as magazine articles, newspaper editoiral, and intra-agency memos.

However, you are much less stringent on such things as CIA operative reports, British intelligence, and inventories from trained weapons inspectors. In these instances, casual observances or even out right tacit interpretation is often placed in the same category usually reserved for empirical scientific evidence.

The fact that a draft-dodger, adulterer, child-molester , pen-animal shooting, idiot like Ted Nugent gets the great Repooblican nod of approval makes me have a sharp pain right behind my eyes, somewhere in the temporal lobe. It's the same pain I get when my teenaged daugher prattles off for 30 mintutes about the cutest little skirt down at Nordstroms that daddy just has to buy her
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Old 05-29-2005, 03:15 AM
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You cannot fault us for being a little skeptical of reporters. The majority are liberal and look at what was already done to Bush. Was it Dan Rather that didn't follow up his source on that one story? I know it was a big name.
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Old 05-29-2005, 11:05 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Kool Aid and other subjects

Hey ds..that pain in your head may just be a brain tumor better have it checked out. To be very honest..I have seen you spout off about repooblicans and dumbacrats too many times in the past. have seemed to have swallowed all the stupid rhetoric of the liberals to some degree. Everyone has to right to feel the way they do....right or wrong. You really don't have to disparage them because they see things differently than you do. I happen to be a democrat..but not the kind of democrat we have today. Heck if JFK were alive today I can guarantee you he wouldn't be like his ridiculous brother. I do personally think the best thing to do would be to make politics illegal as well as the discussion of same. SOME people can't understand that what they prattle on about may not be quite as true as they believe! Can you imagine that. I'll bet a political discussion in your house is about as one sided as it could possibly be...and about as correct as you think Tree Doc's side of an issue is. If I may be so bold as to one of YOUR heroines named Jane Fonda?? The world knows the truth about her actions. Bet this fires you up. Not what I am trying to do though. Just trying to make you see how rancorous rhetoric can make someone feel. We really could leave it somewhere else I think.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin

Last edited by skeet; 05-30-2005 at 08:59 AM.
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Old 05-30-2005, 03:42 PM
ds ds is offline
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You know, skeet, hate to break it to you, but you just make me shake my head and chuckle. It always amazes me how when presented with the facts, you Kool-Aiders fall to statements such as rhetoric, etc. Tell you what, please feel free to find ANYTHING I said about Ted Nugent that is incorrect, with the exception that the girl was 17, not 14 (yes, I admit when I am wrong), and I will never ever ever post here again, so you don't have to deal with my bringing up the truth anymore and you can all repeat Sean Hannity's talking points. On the other hand, if it turns out correct what I said about Ted Nugent, you have to leave???????

Wanna bet?
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Old 05-30-2005, 10:00 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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As I said...a political argument with you is always one sided. I don't know or care about Ted Nugent. Don't think I have ever heard one of his songs and have only seen one or 2 pictures of him. How about Ol Hanoi Jane. You didn't address that at all. She one of your heroines?? ds..all I was saying was that you don't have to jump down someones throat to try to prove a point or have a discussion...but having a discussion with you is a losing proposition for anyone..You'll always be right...even if you are wrong. For instance...I don't happen to be a Bush lover.....Clinton I despised...mainly because he wasn't truthful and had no morals. But there you go...I must listen to Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh or someone else you strongly disagree with. In fact I listen to neither. I do occassionally listen to the Watergate Burglar. Oh and I did spend some time in Southeast Asia in a Democrat's war..getting shot at for no reason that I can see. But I chose to do what I considered my duty at the time. As often stated hindsight IS 20/20 at least in my case...possibly not in yours. I'm done. No one can reason with a closed mind. I guess you still don't realize what I was trying to say.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 05-30-2005, 10:43 PM
ds ds is offline
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No, political arguments with me are not one-sided, but I do not suffer bullshit, plain and simple. If you are going to argue, you damned well better be armed with the facts, and if you are parsing sides, you better be ready to be called a hypocrit, because I am going to do it. For the record, tree doc was the one who said my sources were "laughable" and YOU were the one who started making the LIBERAL accusations and Jane Fonda, hence my Hannity reply. It's that simple, better not bring a knife to this fight cause I bring a gun.

So, when you say Ted Nugent is "allright", and I tell you he is a chickenshit, and tell you why, you better be ready to tell me why you think he is, and give me some FACTS. You know what they say about opinions....

I am going to show you what I mean. You say you hated Clinton because he has no morals. I have no choice but to inerpret this as morality is very important to you. I am going to take one simple fact here and show you my thinking. The Bush family has an alcohol problem, it's true. Bush stayed drunk for over forty years, his daughters have issues with booze, as does his brother Neil. Now, you have two choices here as far as I can see

1) dislike Bush for abusing alcohol and thus being immoral

2) disregard his alcoholism abuse and still say his is a moral man

If you chose 2, I say it's pretty damned hypocrital. You are cherry picking your morals. It's a free country and all of that, but if it's wrong to be a cockhound, why is it not wrong to be a boozehound???

and for the record, regarding Jane Fonda, hey, she screwed up, it was stupid, hurtful, ugly, and probably treason,. But then again, she was a 19 year old kid, in this country we don't let 19 year old kids vote, drink, or run for President. Somebody must think being 19 excuses you from being accountable for some stuff.

I did hear that she appologized for it all just a few months ago, said it was over the top, and how bad she felt. Funny, Jane Fonda screws up at age 19 and you hold her feet to the fire, G.W. stays a fricking derelict druggie, drunk until he's 42 and -- see where I am going with this stuff??? Don't you see why you guys make my frontal lobes scream in agony????

Last edited by ds; 05-30-2005 at 11:20 PM.
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Old 05-30-2005, 11:59 PM
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You and I have had pretty good debates over time, and I don't really know much about Ted Nugent and do not care to do the research to find out otherwise, but I think you are slightly out of line on a couple of things.

Fist off, nobody needs to leave the board over this. At least I don't think so.

Secondly, you will find that alcoholism is not illegal in most of the nation, and I would be guessing about Utah if I said it was legal, but I do think I remember my brothers drinking out there. Personally, I think the stuff should be illegal and I believe it causes a bunch of trouble. I have sat in court on several days where almost all the criminal stuff was related to drinking.

Now, I believe alcoholism is actually designated as a disease. Last I checked, adultery and perjury were both illegal and neither were a disease. Being an alcoholic does not mean you are a liar and I would much rather deal with a person that has a drinking problem than somebody that has a lying problem. I have a client that has both problems, and I can deal with his alcohol issues a lot easier than I can with his lying issues.

Now, drinking and driving is illegal, and I will not tolerate that.

Now you see why my head hurts whenever you say that Clinton is a great guy. I cannot stand him and I hate the people out there that love him because they were doing well financially while he was in office. In essence, people are willing to follow a liar and cheater so long as they are making money. What does that say about their morals, and they do not even understand that the economy at that time might not have been a result of Clinton.

As far as Jane Fonda is concerned, she made a stupid mistake and it cost her. I'm not going to be sheding any tears for her because it really didn't cost her too much. She is rich and she has probably had a better life than any of us will have, but that would assumption would only be based upon money being able to buy happiness. Tim Leatherman made a dumb mistake when he backed Kerry. He received a ton of e-mail from people like me and he took a position that he can support any candidate that he wants and that it was his money and his business he was putting on the line. Well, a couple of months after the election he sent out an e-mail asking that we not punish his employees by not buying his products since they had nothing to do with his political affiliation. Simply put, the ballot is a secret thing, so don't go spouting off at the mouth if you might live to regret it. As a business man he should have known better than to take such an outspoken position on politics.

Like they say, don't bring up politics or religion during an interview.

I could go on all night with this subject and this thread, but I am going to call it quits for the night.
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Old 05-31-2005, 12:27 AM
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I never said Clinton was a great guy, never, never, never, I simply said, if you HATE Bill for being immoral, then you better HATE George as well, or you are being a hypocrit.

For the record, G.W. has one DUI, Dick Cheney has 2 DUI's.

Now ponder this, did Bill Clinton put people's lives at risk by having oral sex in the oval office? Did Bush and Cheney put people's lives at risk by driving drunk?

I am a very black and white kind of guy, right is right, wrong is wrong, it does NOT matter what side you are on.
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Old 05-31-2005, 09:52 AM
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It is tough for anybody to pass the complete morality test. I come close, but I am sure that I have done some things that aren't completely kosher.

The thing with drinking and driving is that it isn't looked on too hard by society because most people have done it. Everybody I know that drinks has done it. My dad used to do it a lot when I was a kid and that is one of the reasons I do not drink. He also looked like a buffoon at these parties and that is another reason I do not drink. Then there is my brother that has gotten 3 DWI's in 15 years and he continues to drink and drive.

Judges even have a tough time punishing people for drinking and driving.

The problem with adultery, perjury, and lying is that it is a trust issue. It is tough to trust somebody that does that kind of stuff whereas a drunk is completely different. That is where the big difference lies between Clinton and Bush.

While I understand that you are a black and white kind of guy, we live in a mostly grey world. Things were probably more black and white 100+ years ago.

What ever happened with White Water? Kind of funny how the star witness just happened to commit suicide. That is just another black eye for Clinton.
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Old 05-31-2005, 11:29 AM
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The thing that seems to light fuses here, ds is that in your black and white world only your "facts" are true.

As we've recently seen, CBS and Newsweek had "facts" that turned out to be - shall we say less than true?

There's also the issue that "facts" can be selectively sifted. NOT to imply you'd do that, but any of us can come across a set of previously sifted "facts" and then quote them as truth - when they aren't. The complete picture sometimes has a different color than black or white.
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Old 05-31-2005, 01:23 PM
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It is kind of like the game called telephone from when we were in grade school. With the ever increasing population and the widespread use of the internet, it is easy to get false information out and around the globe in a blink of an eye.

For instance, there was an e-mail sent out several years ago that birds explode when they eat rice. That was the biggest crock, but most of the population is under the impression that birds will explode if they eat rice. Is this a fact, definitely not.

It is tough to read stuff over the internet and take them as facts without knowing the source, etc. The news reporters are getting almost as bad.
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Old 05-31-2005, 01:45 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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I guess you said what I couldn't get across. there are facts...and then there is truth.
ds. I didn't say I hated Clinton..don't hate much of anybody...hate is a word I very seldom use...or feel....even towards you As far as Nugent...I know nothing about him..I do know that Jane Fonda's actions happened to get some of our prisoners tortured and possibly killed. 19 or not she should have to be held responsible for those actions. No other arguments about Bush or Clinton...or anyone else. As I said I'm done arguing.
Hey Fabs... I saw a bird explode in midair. Don't think he ate any rice though. I do know he had a dose of about 1200 ft per second.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 05-31-2005, 02:36 PM
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Yeah, I have seen the same thing happen from lead poisoning. It is amazing what lead can do to a bird. I have seen Tungsten poisoning too.
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Old 06-01-2005, 09:04 PM
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so what is your point here ds? I don't think Ted Nugent was the original thrust of the thread. I guess liberals just can't stay focused, and have very little in their quiver to use in reply other than "you guys have faults too!"
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