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Old 11-07-2005, 08:24 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Dark sides and other things

Fabs...Dark side has a basis of reference to the movie Star Wars. The Dark Side of the Force. Most people who used to live over there and moved here seem to have had their eyes opened and they can see the light...again. Therefore you live on the dark side of the bay. Rubicon is right too. There are attorneys over here . And you could sell that townhouse and buy a mansion over here. Just think...I saw about 50 cars go past my lane today..maybe 60....maybe less. I really don't count. Used to. There were days 20 yrs ago when I saw as many as 3 or 4. Of course there are always tradeoffs to everything. With all the dark side folks living over here you can surely make a good living here.

Now I have to make another statement. . In regards to Fabs and Delduckas well as Aldo(Fab's father).. we really did have a great time yesterday..and I am always up for doing the same thing again. I am always a little hard on Fabs...just because he needs it. BUT he is a good guy and a good shot. None of us wanted to go swim for that pheasant for certain. I had him dead to rights at 20 ft...and didn't shoot. Always enjoy shooting or hunting with gentlemen. I always figgered some of that gentleman stuff would rub off on me. Sometimes it does. I'm just a down home country boy. Oh and I talked to more than 3 or 4 men too. It had to be at least 6 or 7...not counting the trap kid. But I must admit...I do like the wimmin folks better than them ol hairy men for certain.

Rubicon..I can remember going down to Deal Island when I was a kid. It was unbelieveable. Miles of marsh before ya got there. And Elliott Island. One lane road with turnouts to let people pass... In the middle of a marsh Don't run off there or you are gone. Even Kent Island. I remember when the prison camp was down there. The prisoners used to get out on some little docks they had ther and catch crabs to eat. And I literally knew 90 or more percent of the people who lived there. Watermen and farmers...and hunting the Turkey point farm. Ducks and geese galore and a dirt road down to it. Got to end this discourse. Anyway.. You have to make it out with us for something soon. Weather is ok for another month for fun stuff Let's do it again before all the nasty weather hits. Next time I'll even try to shoot better!!

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
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Old 11-08-2005, 12:32 AM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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You aren't supposed to be confessing. That takes all the fun out of it. By the way, most of my friends and family are hard on me too. However, I give as good as I get. Even though my friends and family are tough on me, I know they care about me and I do likewise. However, if a supposed friend shows me that he is not a loyal friend and/or he does not care about me, they are no longer my friend. I don't ask that my friends not make fun of me, I just ask that they don't make fun of me when they know I am hurt.

As far as getting together again, I am always up for it, even if the weather is crappy. I know I said I don't usually shoot in the rain, but Skeet should remember me shooting in PA in a down pour. The rain doesn't bother me when I am having a great time.

Skeet, you might say that you are a country boy, but it seems to me that most of the country boys are the gentlemen out there. If there is one thing I notice when I am in the "country", it is that people in the country are more courteous than people in the city. In the country, people say please, thank you, and your welcome. People hold doors open in the country, they stop at stop signs, and they allow people to merge in traffic. That isn't how it is in the city. People are always in a hurry around here, that they don't usually help other people. Almost everybody thinks about themselves only. I saw my neighbor struggling trying to change his car battery today when I went out to check my oil. I looked at his tools and knew he was going to be in for a long night, so I offered to help him. It took us 15 minutes to get it changed and he was pretty happy about the help. He even offered to watch my dog for me if I need it. As far as I am concerned, you are a gentleman Skeet.

Elliott Island isn't too bad. Granted, it isn't like it used to be, but it isn't too bad.

As far as shooting goes, I'll try better to keep pace with you next time and I'll pay attention to the score sheet a little better. LOL Usually, I keep track of the targets I miss, but I was having so much fun that I never really kept track. Then again, I'm not too good with math.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 11-08-2005, 07:32 PM
rubicon rubicon is offline
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One of my hunting buddies lived on Deale Island summers as a kid. His dad bought a piece of swamp land and started clearing it by hand, built a little cabin in his back yard in Bowie and carted it over there piece by piece and assembled it, drove a pipe in the ground for a well and they had indoor water even though it was not drinkable. I think Crash was about 6 . then his dad bought a used aluminum boat with a small outboard and said when you can pull the cord and start it you can run it. Once he got it started he ran the devil out of it and a little mini bike. We went by the old house on our last trip down there. Have another buddy at work that grew up down there also. His parents have now passed away and he has two houses and a bunch of land on the island. I hear about how these areas were and know wha t life was in the mountains and it makes me even more certain I was born 100 years too late!
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Old 11-08-2005, 08:36 PM
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fabsroman fabsroman is offline
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Yeah, we say that we were born 100 years too late, but I think things are just fine as they are. There is always something to complain about. 100 yeas ago, the standard of living was much worse than it is today and there weren't many, if any, cars around. Travel was pretty much unheard of and you died a lot younger.

If hunting were as good today as it was 100 years ago and we had the technology of today, then I would be in heaven. However, this is called real life. Heaven comes later.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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