Do you think these guys would be in jail if they really wanted to work. Most of the non-violent offenders are in jail because they do not want to work. I have a client that quit her job making $20,000 a year, up from the previous year's pay of $14,000, just because there were no benefits and she had to do too much work. Right now, she is unemployed, on food stamps, and receiving unemployment because she had her boss write her a letter saying that he was laying her off because he could not afford her. She is the type of person that just does not want to work.
My motto is that there is always a job available doing something if you want to work. However, a lot of people do not want to work for less than a certain amount and others do not want to do certain jobs.
That is why manual labor jobs get paid a good amount of money. Nobody wants to do them anymore. The theme in the US is college education and even post college education. Those graduates do not want to do manual labor. When I got out of undergrad, the starting salary for an accountant with the then Big 6 was $30,000. Well, my brother had been earning about $85,000 to $100,000 painting cars since he was 18 years old. I was 22 when I graduated, which meant that he was already $400,000 ahead of me before I even started working. Luckily, I didn't have to pay for college myself, or I would have really been in the hole.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.