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Old 01-27-2007, 11:09 AM is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: western pa.
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Know what you are saying Skinny. They sure didn't waste any time hitting the trail since the shake up in the political system here in Pa. Only one we didn't shake up was the governor and that would have been a big plus. Only thing he is interested in is casinos, ice arenas and stadiums....while they are closing down the mass transit bus lines in the city...Think we have only begun to hear from all these people....the antis. Bet also nothing will ever be mentioned during their meeting as to the real reason for the gun violence in the city. Drugs? Gang wars?...People like you and I aren't the ones out making the news every morning because we shot someone but they will make it sound as though we are.....Now is the time for anyone not belonging to the NRA to get their memberships up to date. At least we will have some voice other than those that call their local reps. Thanks for the article.
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