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Old 01-23-2007, 11:24 AM
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Brady campaign is coming to local city

We have enough whiners in Pa and don't need more.
The gun violence has been getting worse in the City of Reading (pronounced redding, yeah, go figure) and the Brady people are supposed to have the answers...
I notified the NRA-ILA and sent them the article to see if there was a way for them to get involved.
That link may not work after tomorrow.

Area leaders, police set meeting with gun experts
From our news staff
Gun control experts from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence plan to meet with Reading Mayor Tom McMahon, law enforcement officials and local residents to discuss new approaches to getting guns off city streets.
The meeting is scheduled for Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. in the Schmidt Training & Technology Center at Reading Area Community College.

Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke will be the featured speaker.

“I think he can bring things to the community and show us what is effective and what we need to do here,” McMahon said. “My intent is to walk away from the meeting with some direction on what we can do to get guns off the streets.”

McMahon met Helmke at a national mayor's conference three months ago and said he was impressed by the center's approach to gun violence and gun control.

Helmke most recently met with Philadelphia officials and released a Brady report. The report found gun dealers often sell firearms to people who then sell them illegally to others. It also found that gun dealers rarely face criminal charges.

McMahon is meeting this week in Washington, D.C., with 122 other mayors from across the country who have joined Mayors Against Gun Violence.

The group started three months ago with 15 mayors.

The mayors of York, Lancaster and Allentown stops along the so-called Route 222 gang corridor also have joined the group.

The Brady Campaign and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence work to enact and enforce sensible gun laws, regulations and public policies through grass-roots activism, electing pro-gun-control public officials and increasing public awareness of gun violence.

The organizations were named for President Reagan's first press secretary Jim Brady in December 2000 after many years with different names.

Brady and Reagan were shot on March 30, 1981.

Brady's wife, Sarah, is chairwoman of the organizations.
Imagine if a democrat becomes president what might happen to our gun rights again. It may be worse than the feel-good yet fake legislation of the "assault weapon" (haha) ban.
Member: The Red Mist Culture
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Old 01-27-2007, 11:09 AM is offline
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Know what you are saying Skinny. They sure didn't waste any time hitting the trail since the shake up in the political system here in Pa. Only one we didn't shake up was the governor and that would have been a big plus. Only thing he is interested in is casinos, ice arenas and stadiums....while they are closing down the mass transit bus lines in the city...Think we have only begun to hear from all these people....the antis. Bet also nothing will ever be mentioned during their meeting as to the real reason for the gun violence in the city. Drugs? Gang wars?...People like you and I aren't the ones out making the news every morning because we shot someone but they will make it sound as though we are.....Now is the time for anyone not belonging to the NRA to get their memberships up to date. At least we will have some voice other than those that call their local reps. Thanks for the article.
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Old 01-27-2007, 02:40 PM
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It isn't hard to get guns off the streets.


Everywhere that's tried, crime plummets - and that is a fact.
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