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Old 02-07-2004, 07:21 AM
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As for the sub-calibers I don't see much about the .222 remington any more! It is the most accurate cartridge in the world next to the 6mm ppc, but is easy to load, shoots almost any bullet weight with many types of powders and there is loads of information on this round out there. Maybe shooters are just looking for something new or faster and don't care about accuracy, but if you are looking for a great caliber to experiment find a .222 and find out what it is like to shoot small groups. Good Luck
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Old 02-09-2004, 07:38 AM
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The "Triple Deuce" is by far one of the best ever Varminting cartridges ever devised.

However, it's the "kid sister" of the .223, and the plethora of brass and ammo available for that Remmy offering have really made that one more popular in recent years....

There's also this phenom of the newfangled "Ultra mag" and "Super Short Magnum" cartridges that have just appeared on the scene in the last couple years, and there's a number of shootists out there--used to work with one at the place I'm employed at--that hurriedly discard their current cartridges and get the "New Thing"

(Oh, and imagine their surprise at the Reloading stores when they realize that the 7000 grains of powder in a 1# can doesn't go very far with 'em! Heard one guy grousing that his Ultra Mag rifle was going through powder at a phenomenal rate...)

.300 Winchester Magnum's suffering from a lot of the same thing lately....
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Old 02-09-2004, 07:01 PM
catfishsr catfishsr is offline
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its tuorist season why cant we shoot them?
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Old 04-08-2004, 02:47 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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I have a .222Rem. in a 40XBR from the early 80's and would never part with it. It's the greatest little ego builder I've ever owned. I also have it's big brother, the .222Rem. Mag. and that's no slouch either. They are far and away my most acurate weapons. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 04-08-2004, 07:08 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Another thing about the .222`s that is amazing is that they never seem to wear out barrels. I`ve got a friend that bought one in 1960 and carried it in his truck ever since. It`s had 1,000`s of rounds through it and he findly quit hunting with it 2 tears ago because he wasn`t hitting with it any more. I briught it home and run some Sweets 7.62 throuh it, after 50 patches they were still just as blue as the first 1 was. I got tired of cleaning it and took it out and fired a 5 shot group at 80 yrd. to see if I had gained anything. 5 holes all touching. He had never run any copper soulvent through it. I put another coat of finish on the stock and took it back, I figure I`ll clean the rest of the copper out of it in another 20 or 30 years. They aren`t the flatest shooting guns around, but they`ve probibly killed more groundhogs than any other round.
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Old 09-12-2004, 10:26 AM
cowpoke cowpoke is offline
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Another loyal fan of the triple duece here.

It is the most fun rifle I have. It isn't fancy, just a Rem 700 ADL synthetic, but it is a shooter.
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Old 09-12-2004, 09:48 PM
Jim-Iowa Jim-Iowa is offline
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It is a fine cartridge!

Unfortunately there are very few new ones available.
And as you can see from the above posts, those that have them are not likely to give them up.
At least here in Iowa it is hard to find a good used one.
That is the reason I bought a Savage 10FP in .223 and load it to .222 velocities. When I wanted a new Bolt gun.
I do have a Savage 24 222/20ga my wife bought me for christmas 32yrs ago, and it is SWEET.
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Old 10-15-2004, 11:46 AM
hofts hofts is offline
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221 fireball

i have a 221 fireball that is a rem 700lvsf. it is a great little shooter
i believe that it uses shortened triple duece brass.
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Old 10-16-2004, 12:36 AM
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Funny you should say 'shortened triple deuce brass'---

The .17 Rem, .221 Fireball, the .222, the .223 or 5.56 x 45mm, and the totally extinct .222 Remington Magnum are all variations on the same case head...much like the .270, .25-06, 8mm Mauser, .30'06, 7mm Mauser, & 6.5 x 55 Swede are all variations on the same 12mm o.d. case head!

Since the .221--that same Remmy case head as its 5 siblings, just shortened down to the proportions of the .218 Bee almost--was out of production for a while, the only way one could get "NEW" brass was to attempt sizing down .222!

Thankfully, R-P revived the .221 just in the nick of time, bless 'em.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."--the late Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)

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Thee Mad Reloader (Moderator--Back in Time, Cowboy Action, Outdoor Cooking, Subcalibers)

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Old 10-16-2004, 01:48 AM
Jack Jack is offline
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...and the 'totally extinct' 222 magnum case is the basis for Ruger's new .204- pretty much a straight necked down 222 magnum case.
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Old 10-16-2004, 08:45 AM
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Now, THERE'S a project out there for all you folks still in possession of .222 Remington Magnum rifles but have gotten critically low on brass....

(Much like using .220 Swift to rework into 6mm Lee Navy!)
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."--the late Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)

"When the buffalo are gone, we will hunt mice,...for we are hunters, and we want our freedom." Chief Sitting Bull

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Thee Mad Reloader (Moderator--Back in Time, Cowboy Action, Outdoor Cooking, Subcalibers)

Or is "less chatter, more splatter" more your style? Then go see Varmint Vapor Vestry!
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Old 01-10-2005, 12:05 AM
earschplitinloudenboomer earschplitinloudenboomer is offline
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.221 fireball


Around 20 years ago, before it was a sin to turkey hunt with a rifle, I acquired a neat little Interarms MK-10, Mini Mauser in .223.
I had my 'smith shorten the chamber end of the barrel and rechamber for the .221. Everything worked great except rate of twist in the .223 barrel wont let me shoot the lighter bullets.
53 gr and up stabalize fine, anyway, we are suddenly faced with a 'yote problem here in southern West Virginia. I think it's time to wipe the dust off the fireball, get a new pound of Ball C #2 and a box of 55gr spitzers. Fireball in a rifle seems every bit as accurate as the fantastic .222, am running mid .222 velocities, and the brass lasts forever!
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Old 01-10-2005, 09:57 AM
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That's a bit odd, because a twist that will stabilize 52-gr and up is more than fast enough to stabilize lighter ones. Usually, the shorter the bullet the slower the twist needed.

I suspect a harmonic problem or a throat configuration that make that rifle prefer heavier bullets.

I have two Rem 788s in 223 that are that way. One of them likes any bullet weight I feed it. The other sprays anything under 55 grains all over the place. But it'll snug 55s or 60s into bug holes.

Fortunately, the one that shoots light bullets is my PD gun where I shoot all 50-grainers, and the other one is my coyote gun where I'd rather have a heavy bullet. If it were the other way around, I'd have sold both of them by now.
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Old 01-14-2005, 03:44 AM
earschplitinloudenboomer earschplitinloudenboomer is offline
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Rocky Raab;

You are probably right, the reamer used, for some reason gave the chamber an EXTREMELY long throat. Will be going up in bullet weight for cayotes now instead of turkey, so everything should be ok. Started out with 45 gr bullets, several loads, several powders, the heavier the bullet, the better the gun shoots. Up to a 53 gr hollow point now, accuracy very acceptable, when the weather breaks, plan to load some 55 gr spitzers.
Thanks for the advice.
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Old 02-20-2005, 03:11 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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My "totally extinct" .222Rem. Mag. in a Sako L461 single shot action with it's Hart SS heavy varmint barrel shoots in the .3"s (5 at 100yds.) all day. I still see a few at the range and in the woodchuck fields. I'd like to think they'll still be around when the .223 is dead and buried. It's been my favorite for many years now. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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