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Old 12-19-2004, 09:04 AM
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Cheasepeke Bay Retrievers

Can anyone tell me about the breed,?
And also what is the price range on this breed ,with or without papers?

I am looking into getting one , I have always wanted one,......I have had labs, beagles,......even blue ticks,.and the non-hunting breed of Rotties.

To mention it, of my Rotties was a hunting dog,......better at retriving though,.....I shot a doe a few years back and he found her laying down at the bottom of the hill next to the creek.
At first i thought he was going for his usual swim,.but he was wanting that!

Okay All
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Old 12-19-2004, 09:19 AM
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Wolvie, here's three sites you might look at. out of NJ. out of Idaho, and out of Illinois

Don't know much about the dog other than I've heard they are hard to train because they are stubborn and hardheaded. I've never had one so that's just hearsay. Good luck to you.
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Old 12-19-2004, 07:25 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Wolvie. I have had a couple(no.... 3) and a few friends have had them. I REALLY wouldn't get one unless you really know how to train a stubborn dog.... They are unbelieveable. Very good family dogs...if you don't have any friends(VERY possessive about their families)...In other words they are quite often nasty to every one other than family. I had one that didn't like black folks and I mean chew their arm off if they could. Another just didn't like included sometimes. As far as training can be very brutal at times with some dogs.... and other dogs just know what to do instinctively. a well trained Chessie will go to great lengths to do his job. Oh and they can stand a lot rougher harsher weather than a normal Lab(sorry guys I like labs too)

In other words think twice about a Chesapeake...maybe even 3 times

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 12-19-2004, 10:59 PM
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I've got a friend with a Chessie and his training methods are much different than mine and his results have been much different than mine (i.e., I haven't seen much from his dog). However, his dog is extremely friendly toward me, but that might be because he beats it on a regular basis whereas I tend to pet it when I see it. Who knows.

What I have heard is that Chessies are extremely hard to train and when trained they usually only listen to a single person (i.e., they cannot be handled by anyone other than the trainer). With that said, I don't invision anybody ever handling my lab other than me, but who knows, my dad might want to one day when I cannot go out and hunt. I guess my dad and brother kind of handle my lab when we are out in the field because my lab listens to them to a certain degree.

My lab is also very friendly once he gets to know a person when I am around.
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Old 12-20-2004, 12:24 AM
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One man's dog!

My buddy that parks his travel trailer next to mine at the Duck Club has one. I have been violated numerous times! Especially every time I bend over to light my hot water heater! He aims for any available orifice and every time I run away he bites me in the ass! No joke!

He's the only dog in the world that Jack looks at and actually wants to fight. If you knew Jack you would be surprised! I've known 2 other Chessy's to be the same way but they love their owners and family.

Like skeet said, be ready for some tough training unless your experienced.
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Old 12-20-2004, 12:32 AM
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TD, maybe it wuz what you were wearing.....
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Old 12-20-2004, 02:26 AM
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Again, the board is good for another late night laugh.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:09 PM
idaho_duckhunter idaho_duckhunter is offline
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i own a halfbreed i bought for 25 dollars half yellow lab half golden retrever best waterfowl dog i ever owned my father in law has a registerd male chessie stupidest meanist dog i have ever seen i would never own that breed of dog

yellow labs green heads and a 12 guage shotgun dont get no better
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Old 01-12-2005, 11:25 AM
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Welcome to the board. I didn't notice in your other post that you were new to the board. Hope you have a great time here and that you shoot a couple ducks for me this year.

As you can see from my signature line, I love yellow labs and have a great yellow lab in Nitro. However, I think a 10 ga. might be better than a 12 ga. in the goose blind. Then again, if you can shoot pretty good, you don't need a 10 ga. I haven't bought one yet and probably never will. Then again, I might win the lottery and decide to have one of every gun.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 01-12-2005, 04:23 PM
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Originally posted by fabsroman

Then again, I might win the lottery and decide to have one of every gun.
One of EVERY gun, and more than one of a few.

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Old 01-13-2005, 06:52 AM
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Thanks Everyone for your input,.....

Here`s an update,.........
I got to spend some time with a Chessie,..a male 2 yrs old,....MAN !!!! That dog loves cold water!!!!!

my new bud showed me this dogs talents,....and it was amazing to see this beautiful dog work........he was working the dumbies like they were real birds.
Soft mouth,....retrieval very good,....that dog memorized out of 15 dumbies 12 ,.and then after about 10 minutes found the other 3 .

The Chessie would however only answer to one thing,..the whistle.Voice commands are only used at home and when gettin into the truck or out of it.My Bud,..clicks his fingers and the dog sits and or moves to where my bud points.

He (the dog) did growl at me once,.....then after about 30 minutes he came to me and let me pet him.
I have decided that :
1.I love this breed,
2.I can`t afford the $ for one,
3. I don`t have the time to spend on fine training that this breed requires,
4. and I don`t like the disposition of the breed
But I will say if i had 1 thru 3 and could change the disposition of the breed in whole ,........then this would be the dog for me.

I have a 1/4 pit-3/4 Yeller lab mix,..and she is very smart,...but her temperment is not good towards strangers,. and that probly due to the pit mix part in her.
I want her to be able to retrieve not only game birds ,but other game as well.
I don`t think she is up to the task,.she is 2 yrs old and I don`t see her changing her ways, she has some hound in her,.. she likes to run and when she does it`s hard to get her back and back on track.

I have had only 1 dog that could retrieve any game I shot,.and he was a Rottie FULL BLOODED.

I had a beagle mix with walker once and he was a go getter to ,.....I never carried a gun for rabbit huntin ,...he seemed to like the killin part of that game.

Anyways thanks guys,......I am looking at a Chocolate Lab now, least he is a look alike of my beloved breed the Chessies,.......and he is a favorite of most hunters. (his breed that is )

Later All

P.S. If I am able to get the lab pup,.I`ll post pics of him.
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Old 01-13-2005, 07:43 AM
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Re: Thanks Everyone for your input,.....

Originally posted by Wolvie
I have a 1/4 pit-3/4 Yeller lab mix,..and she is very smart,...but her temperment is not good towards strangers,. and that probly due to the pit mix part in her.
Probably not. Every pit bull I have ever actually known has been VERY friendly towards people. Especially the females. I have a Lab/Pit cross female... and she has been the sweetest dog you could ever imagine.

Personally I think they have the tools to be nasty... but the VAST majority are not.

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Old 01-13-2005, 07:56 AM
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Chesapeake Bay Retriever -"He'll outswim, outweather and outfight any other breed of dog on the marsh. He will be loyal to you and you alone; showing great (if somewhat rare) affection in his own way provided no one is watching. He has a low tolerance towards fools, children and amateurs. He's the biggest, roughest, toughest professional in his line of work."Bob Hinman

Emphasis on outfight, rare and low tolerance towards fools and children...oh and affection if no one is watching

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:39 AM
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I think I've said it before, I am not a big fan of Chessies.

With that said, Nitro, my yellow lab, growls at people outside the window, but he has met plenty of my clients in the house, and while nervous at first, he has never growled at them or bitten anyone. He does growl when he is surprised. My uncle came down the steps at my parents place and Nitro was growling pretty good because he didn't know who it was and I had greeted my uncle or come down with him. As long as I great somebody in front of Nitro or enter the room with the person, Nitro is usually pretty good about it. I kind of like the fact that he is trying to be protective.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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Old 01-13-2005, 08:54 AM
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I agree Fabs, I had a BIG black lab growing up. His name was Evel. 115 lbs and not fat a bit. He was very protective. But if I introduced him to someone... he was fine from that point on. Forever.

I have never been around Chessies, so I can't comment. I thought I wanted one for a while... but I don't water fowl much... and decided that it would be a waste. I upland hunt a lot more... so I went the GSP route.

Coopers a stud BTW. Well as much as a neutered dog can be.

I'll try to post some new pics.

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