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Old 01-17-2005, 11:34 AM
ol_spark ol_spark is offline
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Roy, did you...

Get that elk yet? You're keeping us in suspense here about all these other gritters and snow coming again.

Just curious. I know if you get one you'll be posting pixs.
I only hunt on days that end in "Y"
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Old 01-25-2005, 12:16 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Hell no!

Found 'em but on private posted property. Local rancher posted out back of the house. Early snow brought the herd in about 3 weeks early. Rancher took 6 cows Nov 15. Our hunt opened Dec 1. Were gone by then and haven't been back.

Either headed for the wilderness area (Stanley) next season or buy a hunt somewhere where they can guide me to the shot or at least put me in the area and I'll make my own shot.

BTW, younger brother in Butler Co. who usually gets 5-6 deer a season got flat skunked this year. First time since he was a teenager and that was 41 years ago.

Was talking to a fellow the other day who's hunt was messed up by wolves. He arrow hunts a herd of about 150 with several herd bulls and several satellite bulls. The herd bulls usually break up the herd into several canyons. The wolves kept them all together and nervous. Never got a shot. However, had wolves all around him several times. (30-40 yds) He said he felt under gunned with that sticker slinger.
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 01-25-2005, 12:33 PM
ol_spark ol_spark is offline
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Well....I didn't mean to upset you there Roy.

Just sort of curious as to how your hunt was going. I knew you put in alot of practice, so that when the time came, there would be no question about it.

Yea them elk seem to move around alot. Sorry to hear that their timing was off for you.

Your younger brother...did he hunt as much this year or voice any thoughts as to why he success was less than previous years? Lack of game is what everyone is saying. I had numerous opportunities to shoot antlerless deer but I guess my heart wasn't into it. I just felt the need to let some seed for next year.

I remember one rainy night walking out of Long Mountain in Colorado with only a bow in my hands and them coyotes got my hair to stand on end. I can only imagine what a wolf would do. Especially when you can hear their foot steps but can't see them because your batteries are low in your flashlight. A little nervey to say the least.
I only hunt on days that end in "Y"
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Old 01-26-2005, 11:38 PM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Posts: 858


Not up set, just a little warm every time I think of it.

After rolling the dice and getting a tag after several years of planning a fella otta at least have to the chance to at least attempt to create an opportunity for a shot! Wouldn't cha think

I'm going to get me one of those segway things in 4WD, chain it up and cover some miles next year.........


Here's the pic. Mark the spot and we'll check it out this summer.
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On the other hand................she had warts
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