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Old 01-29-2005, 09:07 AM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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222 Powder RL-10x

Anyone using RL-10x in the 222?

Bought some 40gr VMax and a lb of 10x.

No data........

Burning rate is supposed to be between 748 and BL-C, slower than RL-7.

Will start w/22 well maybe 21 grs and see what happens.

Rifle is an REM 722 w/26 in bbl. The darn thing just won't wear out so now I'm trying to turn it into a 204, duh!

Should get Swift velocities, right?
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 01-29-2005, 04:39 PM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Well I do Now!

Here's the skinny.

Started out chronoing single shots to get a feel for range.

Chickened out w/initiial load of 22 gr.

Grn RL 10x FPS Hor 40 gr V Max
12.8 1903
18 2619
20 2936
22 3249
23 3382
24 3645 - too warm
23.7 3533
23.8 3610

Loaded 5 w/normal seat to fit in magazine
23.8 gr RL10x Hor. 40 gr V Max WSR Primers Federal cases:
Shot Vel
1 3482
2 3542
3 3504
4 3523
5 3482

Average = 3506

Seemed a little warm 60 fps spread. Group size about 1.75.

Figured that if RL-10x is related to 15/19/22 I could seat the bullet out a little further and velocity would go up and pressure would go down. Learned this with the 338 and 270.

So I set the 40s out a little more. Heres the results:
Shot Vel
1 3545
2 3528
3 3543
4 3538
5 3539

Average = 3538

Here's the group. Sure wished I could get that first shot back.

Other than that first shot, the low one, its about as good as the old girl has ever done. Not bad for a rifle that's older than me and I'm oooold
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 1st-group-40-vmax-rl-10x.jpg (196.8 KB, 999 views)
On the other hand................she had warts

Last edited by royinidaho; 01-29-2005 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 01-29-2005, 08:04 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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Those old triple duces are still hard to beat. My wife has a cousin that bought one in 1960. Since then he has carried it in his pick-up truck. Acouple of years ago I ask his how many groundhogs he had and he said his gun did shot accurate any more. It was an old 722 Rem. and looked warn out for sure, but I brought it home to clean it up and check it out. After 50 patches of Sweets 7.62 the last patch was as blue as the first. Being tired of cleaning I took it out and fired a group. I fired it at 80 yrds., cause that`s what was handy, and the group looked alot like yours without eather flier. So I put a coat of finish on his gun and took it back to his. I figure that I`ll clean the rest of the copper out in another 40 years. Got to love those .222`s.
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Old 02-17-2005, 07:13 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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I think when people reloading the .222Rems. use Reloder powder it's most often Reloder-7. Is Reloder-10 better with the lighter bullets. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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Old 02-19-2005, 03:49 PM
royinidaho royinidaho is offline
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Cal Sibley - re: your question.


Used RL 7 with f0s and up for bench rest competition.

It seems as though 10X is better for light bullets. I was intregued when a fella was getting 4000+ out of a 223 with them.

Also since I learned that yote, whole but dead, are $25 and a top of the line bobcat is $400+ I'd try to make the 222 more like the .17 and get smaller holes.

Velocity is great, accuracy is pretty darn fair. The group shown has that one hole that shouldn't count but ........ ya know how that goes.
On the other hand................she had warts
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Old 02-20-2005, 03:01 PM
Cal Sibley Cal Sibley is offline
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Hello royinidaho,

Thanks for the update on Reloder-10. It's nice to know. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
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