been fondleing the super red hawks latly, ran across a used 480. and new 480. but i held my ground almost bought it, but had already decided i want the 454 in the alaskan so ill hold my ground and wait till the 454 comes around or maybe order one here soon.
one thing i do know is the target grew red hawks look worlds better than the the stainless ones. my 44mag was stainless and may be one reason i ddint care to much for it. ive also been lookin at leupold pistol scopes and am havn a hard time on wgat id like to get. ive looked through straigh 4 power and 2 power models and they make it looking like you took the guts out of a pen and your lookin through the pen body. what id like is a 1 or 2 power scoope with bigger 32-38s objective that way it would have wider feild of view and would be plenty of power for all pistol hunting situations. but i dont think such thing excists so i may just stay with the open sites since they seem to work well for me anyways. |