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Old 02-01-2005, 12:45 AM
Bill Allen Bill Allen is offline
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Why is the .308 so unpopular with you, Evan? Why do you like the .270 so much better than the .308?
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Old 02-01-2005, 01:04 AM
skeet skeet is offline
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308 vs 270

Surprising to say the least but I have 2 308's and 2 270's. One of the 270's is an as new pre 64 Supergrade M-70 Featherweight so I don't intend to shoot it..anymore. I am also like Evan...I have absolutely no use for a 308. The darn things just have too much least they feel that way to me. Admittedly they are both Lever guns. A M-88 Winchester(pre 64) and a Savage 99 in 308. Kick the snot out of ya...IMO. The Ruger 270 I shoot is an early tang safety model and it is a pleasure to shoot. I also have a pre 64 Win 70 and an early Ruger 77 in 30-06 and they both kick much less than the 308's. I also have a 99 in 300 Savage and it is a pleasure to shoot even though I hardly shoot it any more. Lots of people like the 308 but they can have it. And I personally think the short action versus long action is a bunch of hogwash. 2 inches and a few ouces don't make all that much least in real life!

BOY I'll bet I just started something now!!

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 02-01-2005, 10:55 PM
Evan03 Evan03 is offline
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i was interduced to the 270win as my first rifle givn to me by my father when i was alot younger. since then ive had a few 3006. both are gone now. but have also aquired a 270wsm.

i dont intedn to get rid of any 277 caliber rifles. im just very fond of them.

i have a 300win that ive had for awhile now that is unfired and might just stay that way, both my 270s are glassed and ready to go at a moments notice, just the way it should be.

the 308, i dont know what is is with the 308 that i dont like, just never have for some reason. even though it is very versitale caliber.

i just can think of other 30cals that stand out in my mind over the 308 when i start decideing i want 308 cal rifle. id much rather have a 3006 or 300win possibly 300wsm. thewe 3 308 calibers are the only 3 that ive ever conciderd. in my opion there isnt any big game anywhere that you couldnt use the 3006 or 300win on.

the same may also be true to the 308 but my mind would never put it in the same category as those 2. why ill never know

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