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Old 03-17-2005, 09:23 PM
VinVega VinVega is offline
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First time out with my new Beretta

I finally broke down and bought me a Beretta 92FS recently. For a week or two, I haven't had the chance to take it out for its first shooting. Sure, I've handled it, cleaned it, and marveled at its beauty, but not shot it until today. Took it out, ran three mags through it (only had one box of ammo with me), and am thoroughly impressed. While there are plenty of pistol shooters than me out there, this gun hit right where I wanted it to every time. All 45 shots were within about 6-7 inches. Dropped one or two, but that's about it. This gun shoots better than I do, and I sure hope I can get lots of practice time in and can get even better. I've wanted this gun since I was little and played with G.I. Joe's (which all had Beretta 92's). I grew up, got the real toy, and wouldn't change that decision if I could.
When they come for your guns, make sure you give them the ammo first.

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Old 03-17-2005, 10:26 PM
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I love the 92FS even though I don't own one yet. Got to shoot my police officer buddy's 92FS. Have you heard anything about the Beretta Vertec which is supposed to be the gun that replaces the Beretta 92FS? I was looking at one of them when I bought my Beretta shotguns but they only had used ones in the shop. The Vertec provided rails for accessories and I think that was the big difference between it and the 92FS.

The one thing that I will point out is that the real gun isn't a real toy. I know you probably didn't mean to make it look like handguns are toys, but that last sentence kind of came out like that. Then again, it is late and maybe I am reading it wrong.
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Old 03-17-2005, 11:31 PM
VinVega VinVega is offline
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I know it's not a toy by any means, but as an adult it can offer me as much enjoyment now as the GI Joe's did when I was just a boy. Being an owner of quite a few guns, and having a young nephew at the house quite regularly, I know the importance of safe gun handling at all times. I was just stating that sort of like the old saying "The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys."

Now as far as the Vertec goes, I wasn't under the impression that it was replacing the 92FS, but I guess that's a possibility. They also don't have the curved grip that the FS has, it's straight down the back of it. I liked the way the FS fit my had better than the Vertec, and the price difference is another huge factor for me. I don't think anything will ever completely replace the original. Step in the wrong direction IMO if that happens. As far as their shooting and handling goes, I'm sure it'd be every bit as good as the FS, but don't have any direct experience. The way I see it, though - a company don't stick around for 500 years, charging what they do for their product, if their product is junk.
When they come for your guns, make sure you give them the ammo first.

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Old 03-18-2005, 10:53 AM
buckhunter buckhunter is offline
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Good choice. Sounds like a winner to me. I owned a Tarus 92 although not the quality as the B is shot flawless. Functioned with everything I put thru it. Steel or Brass it didn't matter. Your 92 should do the same.
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Old 03-18-2005, 11:40 AM
Classicvette63 Classicvette63 is offline
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Vin, my 92 took a good 500 rds before the groups really tightened up. The only time my didn't feed was when I loaded some light loads that were too light and wouldn't cycle the slide. Everything else goes through without a hitch.
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Old 03-18-2005, 11:43 AM
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The Vertec is a model intended to "hopefully" appeal to the 1911 enthusiast. It has a grip modeled somewhat after a 1911 with the straight backstrap and angle of the grip.

IMO, it doesn't compare ergonomically with the 92F series. It's tough to beat the feel of the Beretta. I don't have a 92 but I have an 84F which is a mini version of the 92F in .380ACP. With the double stack, 13 round mag this thing feels like it's part of your hand. I love it!
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Old 03-18-2005, 04:47 PM
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I shot the 92FS and handled the Vertec and didn't notice the difference. Before I buy either, I will have to check them both out side by side and hold both of them at the same time.


I agree that a company doesn't stay in business for 500 years if they make crappy products or they have crappy service. All of my shotguns I shoot are made by Beretta or one of the subsidiaries that they own (e.g., Benelli). I am even thinking about getting one of Sako's target rifles down the road, but for my next rifle I will probably stick with Ruger.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow don't get any better.
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