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Old 04-24-2005, 07:25 PM
scooterman27006 scooterman27006 is offline
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Posts: 134
really would like to go prairie dog hunting

i have a few friends that years ago would load up and go out west montana i believe and for several days they would shoot up 1000 rounds of a variety of stuff - now they all have gone seperate ways but i always wanted to take the 10 days off and go with them but i never did - anyhow now that i have so many hours of vacation that i must take or give up then i have to give this some thought - i wouldnt even know where to begin to look for information on going - these fellas knew someone out there that was glad to have them come shoot the varmints but i dont know where they went or who they hunted on - anyhow if any of you fellas can point me in the right direction i sure would appreciate it - i believe they always went in the fall but i guess these varmints dont have a hunting season or do they and is it common for people just go and look for a farmer that has a huge farm with this problem- i have a couple of buddies that would like to go with me and split the gas bill lol - anyone ever done this before and if so give me some of the details - is there a season and what state is this most common in and do the farmers advertise somewhere and what about lodging - this is all just a dream but i would like to look into it because some day it may happen
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Old 04-24-2005, 09:40 PM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Pack your bags and go West young man lol
The South Dakota GF&P has a map of the dog towns in the State.
Contact local Conservation Officers and State Trappers and see if they know some ranchers that have problems and contact them and see if they would let you hunt them.
Do this before you leave home as there are alot of these ranchers that are cashing in on these critters and you may find they want big $ to hunt them.
I put a small add in one of those free bee papers wanting a place to hunt yotes for my daughter and myself and got plenty of calls.
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Old 04-25-2005, 09:21 AM
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Rocky Raab Rocky Raab is offline
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Scooter, the prime time for PDs is the late spring. Around here, we can count on the pups being weaned and up above ground by about June 10. That means five to seven dumb ones sitting on every mound.

I recall a hunt a few years back where three of us burned at least 500 rounds a day - each.

You can find PDs almost anywhere west of Nebraska. Wyoming has no season, no limit and no license required. States like South Dakota have hunts on Indian lands, but many of them charge a fee and require a guide. There are still public lands and "open" private lands that require only permission to hunt.
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