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Old 08-05-2005, 02:21 PM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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Sierra Gamekings and game

Just curious if anyone has used sierra's gameking bullets on deer, boar or black bear, more specifically in the .277 cal.

what were your results?
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Old 08-06-2005, 10:39 AM
Brithunter Brithunter is offline
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Hi model70,

My experience with the Gameking was not good so now I try to avoid using them. Although it's not alway possible as actually getting expanding bullets can be tricky at times here.

I used a 180Grn GK in my .308 to take my first ever Deer which was a Roe Doe at a range of about 90 yards. The load was taken from Hogdgons #26 book and I chose the mid-range loading, accuracy was fairly good but the bullet blew up on the nearside rib of the 35lb Doe. Yes that's right 35lbs, the bullet did penetrate through and blew out 3 ribs from the offside. We found jacket metal and lead from the core in the chest cavity when cleaning the carcase/. Sure the Doe dropped on the spot but seeing as a 180Grn .308 bullet would be expected to be used on much larger game like Moose and Elk I couldn't feel confident relying upon one after seeing this.

I do have several boxes of 140Grn HP GK bullets in .277" they were all I could get, given a choice I use Hornady then Speer.

Good luck!
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Old 08-06-2005, 09:12 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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.277 GK bullets

Used on 5 whitetails..1 Muley and an antelope.. All one shot kills and all worked just fine. Shortest shot was on the order of 50 yds..the longest (antelope) at an amazing little bit longer than 450 yds...standing animal with a good rest

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Old 08-07-2005, 03:14 PM
Catfish Catfish is offline
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I have a .257 AI and use their 87 grn. bullet for varments. I did loan the gun to a friend for an antliope hunt and loaded some 117 grn. bullets for him to shoot. He fire 1 shot at an antilope at about 450 yrds. and it dropped like a rock he said. My only experance with their Game King bullets.
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Old 08-23-2005, 01:41 PM
Adirondacks Adirondacks is offline
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Not in 277. I load them in a 35 whelen.
They are great in that rifle but then
I'm hitting a deer with a 220 grain bullet.
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Old 08-23-2005, 05:28 PM
Lone Star Lone Star is offline
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I used them on small deer in a .270 years ago and found that they lost their jackets too easily IMO. They did kill several deer - but I use Barnes or Noslers now.
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Old 08-25-2005, 11:17 AM
Adirondacks Adirondacks is offline
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Here's what it says on the Chuck Hawks
page about sierra


Sierra Pro-Hunter bullets are the best selling bullets on the market. They are conventional soft point bullets with tapered jackets and flat bases. They are known for accuracy and fast expansion, which leads to quick kills on CXP2 class game. Pro-Hunters come in flat point, semi-pointed, hollow point, round nose and spitzer form, depending on caliber and intended use.

Sierra GameKing bullets are conventional soft point or hollow point spitzers with tapered jackets, but tend to feature high ballistic coefficients. All are boat tail designs. Their terminal performance and application is similar to other soft point bullets, producing quick kills on CXP-2 class game such as deer, antelope, and black bear. GameKing bullets intended for larger game simply have heavier jackets and harder cores (lead alloyed with antimony). The .375 caliber, 300 grain spitzer boat-tail, for example, has an extra-heavy double-taper jacket and a core of 3% antimony lead alloy. Sierra bullets have a reputation for extreme accuracy, which I have found is deserved. Often when I receive letters from readers with accuracy problems, my first suggestion is to try a Sierra

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