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Old 10-26-2005, 05:42 AM is offline
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2005 hunting season

Ok the games have begun. How is everyones hunting season going so far this year? Dove got me a few and nice days in the field. Archery got me a 7pt after I decided to let the 'big' one alone so have time for the young hunters out there. Spent many days messing with doe and giving a Jr hunter a good laugh when I let a tree rat stand on my head...probably thought what a big nut he found....but waiting for the season I can use the handgun. Small game is in but since the weather has been good only for duck hunters, still looking for some sunshine first. I haven't goose hunted in years but cleaned many for friends. Maybe today I can find some phesants. Meanwhile, spent time at Lake Erie and the steelhead are running. Just finished some on the smoker. Good luck to all.
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Old 10-28-2005, 06:02 AM
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Not had time to do much..but enough squirrels is in the freezer fer a big ole stew. Lord I love squirrel huntin...
The stands are set..muzzleloader comes in next week. I took the 7th & 8th off to hunt, and done already spotted me a decent buck that I hope nobody else gits to fore now and then. Found myself a nice brood of turkeys too..with 3 nice gobblers in there.

I picked out my trap I'll lay the traps down mid-november. Aint git to bowhunt this year, or dove hunt like I wanted to. Couldnt take the time off..I had to save it all fer deer season
"I'm a comin back and I aint comin back ta play marbles!"- Yosemite Sam
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Old 10-28-2005, 06:43 AM
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So far here's my stats for the year

Bow: Hunted 1 full day and 2 half days. Had 7 legal bucks in range, 11 does. Killed 1 doe & hung the bow up until first of November when the hunting gets good.

Early Muzzleloader: Hunted half day & saw 5 deer. I shot 1 doe (doe only season)

Deer Total: 3 days of hunting , 2 does.

I still have 2 more doe tags and 1 buck tag, so I'll probably be kind of picky with the buck. (Like I haven't already with 7 legal bucks in bow range?)

Coon Hunting: 2 nights; 1st night we tree'd 3 coons, all ran into hallow pines. Picked up and went to the hardwoods. Both dogs got into a purcupine and we spent the next 2 hrs pulling quills!! Thank god for that Huntchat Multi-tool! haha

2nd night, tree'd 3, killed 2. 3rd was too small. Not too bad for as many leaves on the trees and only hunting a couple hrs.

I didn't hunt the early goose, and haven't tried my hand at any upland game yet. All in all, I haven't been out that much..but the freezer is full already.

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Old 10-28-2005, 06:56 AM
gd357 gd357 is offline
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So far, fairly slow. A ton of corn on, and movement has been somewhat limited. The temperatures have been steadily dropping, so hopefully, some early rutting activity will begin. There have been a couple of very nice bucks seen in the area, and a good friend took a beautiful buck about a week ago. Looked to be 5 1/2 or older with very heavy antlers. Hopefully things pick up. Good luck to you all!

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Old 10-28-2005, 07:30 AM
Nulle Nulle is offline
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Busy as heck but have been doing some upland hunting and has been good.
Mountain Lion season is closed already with 13 cats taken in less then a month. Only got out once and no luck other then tracks.
Black Hills deer starts next week and I should fill that.
Got 3 tags for archery deer but waiting for -30 temps lmao.
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Old 11-03-2005, 09:31 PM is offline
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got a chance to get in the woods this morning...was only out for about 4 hrs. Seen 12 turkey so during getting close enough to get a shot, a bunny ran and stopped about 10' away, I let him go. Then 2 grouse walked past about the same distance but I kept thinking of the turkey so let them go too. By the time I got to where the turkey were, they had gone. So knowing where they headed, the hunt was on again. Now I stepped on a 6pt buck and a phesant. This time I took the ringneck and heard the turkey carry on so now I knew where they were. Hunt on again. I thought snakes were gone for the winter but I stepped over a log and got struck in the leg with a copperhead. Sure glad for the canvas pants and the rubber swamp boots...took care of him too..Back to the turkey, they kept walking around the hill and I couldn't catch up to them before I had to leave the woods. Woods dry and loud so couldn't move very fast..but tomorrow is another day.....anyhow, haven't small game hunted in years since my beagle got shot and it felt good to get out there..just a report of the day...oh well...
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:57 PM
ringo ringo is offline
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My wife got her elk on opening day, it filled the freezer so she said no more. I've been building a 22-250 on a 1940 Turk mauser to keep busy.
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Old 11-04-2005, 10:12 AM
Steverino Steverino is offline
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My time constraints have been insane since I got back from my wedding last month. I have been out bowhunting twice. The first day I didn't see any deer at all but some good sign. Last weekend I saw more deer than I saw the entire hunting season combined in one area- the majority, however, were not cooperating with getting in my bow range. I passed on two smaller 4-pt bucks after seeing a 6 and a big 8pt. aways off. The darn does have been the most aggravating though, I swear that they know that if they took one or two more steps out of the brush, they'd be looking at the inside of a Fridgidare!

It's been warm around these parts put I'll be on stand a good hour before daybreak tomorrow morning.

My upland hunting starts next weekend and my waterfowling in December. (It's just too darn hard to get all the hunting in with so many seasons running simultaneously!)

My wife just keeps shaking her head laughing when she looks at the calander and asks if she gets me back again in January.
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Old 11-08-2005, 05:47 AM
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A few days ago...called in 3 jakes. My buddy's wife and myself both scored.

This is the last week of archery so I'll be getting out a little more. I've been seeing some dandy bucks and a lot of nice ol boys are getting shot around the area. Hopefully I'll be next

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Old 11-08-2005, 06:54 PM
wrenchman wrenchman is offline
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I have not bought a smalll game lic this year i taken my son to have him kill them but he has not had much luck in dec and later we both will hunt rabbits and tree rats .
I have had a lot of fun hunting deer this year with my bow next year am goint to a release and a pin i am starting to have problims holding the string.
The best part of my bow seasen was takeing my son out with me.
As most no when you take your kids its not about you.
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