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Old 11-27-2005, 08:01 PM
270man 270man is offline
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Question S&W M&P model

One of the threads below solicited opinions on the S&W Sigma in 40S&W caliber. Most responders gave a "thumbs-down" to this Glock copy and, having owned one, I had to agree. The trigger was downright atrocious, the gun had a "tinny" feel to it and I had a few problems with jams. On the plus side, I feel that S&W did a good job on their grip ergonomics and the gun fit my hand much better than any Glock. In a side-by-side test with a friend's Models 22, 23 and 27 Glocks, the Sigma proved just as accurate at 15-yards.

I sold the Sigma because a defensive handgun has to feel right to me -- and the Sigma didn't. Now S&W is advertising the M&P model which looks a lot like the Sigma to me. Any opinions or thoughts?

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Old 02-26-2006, 10:19 PM
270man 270man is offline
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S&W M&P Model

I first posted a question about this "new" S&W semi-auto handgun back in November. Didn't get any replies then, so I'll give it another try.

Check out the March issue of American Rifleman. Author Wiley Clapp fawns all over the M&P as if it was the newest thing since sliced bread. Funny, he never mentions the S&W Sigma, yet the M&P has an almost identical appearance.

At a gun show last week I fondled an M&P. It was okay but priced at almost $600 while the Sigmas can still be had for around $300. Can anyone tell he what features the M&P has that would justify that stiff price?


PS: A side issue: I would like to write the American Rifleman about this issue but can't find any address, email or postal, where I can send the letter. The have a letter-to-the-editor section but don't say how you can contact them.
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Old 03-08-2006, 09:02 PM
gold40 gold40 is offline
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I don't understand the fuss over the new M&P....

The older .38 Special S&W M&P (Model 10) revolvers do anything you need, and cost anywhere from $150 to $300, depending upon condition. I've owned several of these, and been pleased with each. Its hard to beat these K-frame beauties, and they never malfunction.
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Old 03-08-2006, 10:00 PM
gumpokc gumpokc is offline
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I've handled the sigma and the M&P, but not actually fired one.
They both felt "ok" but neither really grabbed me as being anything i needed.

I was raised in a colt .45 and revolver family, plus my time in the service was primarily .45's so it's what i am used too, and what i like.

Glocks seem ok functionally, but i have never cared for them.

I did recently (1.5 yars ago) pickup a steyr m-40, and I really like it. Iknow it's similar to the glock in many ways, but it feels better to me, and at least for me fits me well.
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Old 03-16-2006, 10:21 PM
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Here's the address:

American Rifleman
c/oNational Rifle Association
11250 Waples Mill Rd
Fairfax, VA 22030-9400

You can also contact them via the NRA website, I believe.
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