Originally posted by TheeBadOne
I just had one of those bumper stickers shipped to me first class thru the post office. Must have been a democrat running the mail sorted that day. The envelope came to me in a plastic bag all shredded to pieces. I was able to salvage the sticker. A little worst for wear but it will do what i want it to do. Tick off some people LOL
Darkwolf. Just do a search on the home page of ebay for "Cheney Kennedy". Not to many stickers listed but there are shirts for sale. I think I have the email address for the guy I got mine from. I will pm you his email when I get home to my computer. Any one else interested send me a pm and I will get back to you.
I am thinking of buying a Cheney/Kennedy shirt to go with my PETA "people eat tasty animals" t shirt. I always get a lot of thumbs up at a huge flea market I always were it to. I tell the thumbs uppers it isn't them that I am trying to impress it is the antis I am trying to get under the skin of. LOL
I did see Teddy on TV the other day and noticed his bulbous drinkers nose was not evident. Maybe he has gone on the wagon.
Or maybe he had plastic surgery!!!!!!!