north carolina
Im counting down until April 8 to hunt turkeys in North Carolina and the days are just not passing fast enough!
Find something to do in the meantime. I have work coming out my ears, so time is obviously flying by for me.
However, I hear you. I am dying to get out and do some shooting and/or fishing, but that doesn't look like it is going to happen anytime soon. Good luck on your trip in 3+ weeks.
The pond, waterfowl, and yellow labs...it don't get any better. |
Well the time has arrived and was wondering how it went?
I got one yesterday and think I will waite till later in the season on my second.
Game Bird hatchery/ACO "It is not the kill anymore it's the Quality of the hunt" |
Nulle, congrats on your bird- talk turkey- lets hear about it. I just got back from NC with no birds- We had frost both mornings and the gobblers seemed to be henned up with their girlfriends. They went off like crazy on the roost but the only answers to our calling we got on the ground was from hens. Monday AM they were still on roost at 10:30. This AM had at least five birds talking in the trees though and that was awesome. In past years we have seen many birds in the corners of fields but none of that this year either. Oh well, had a great time in the cypress swamp and plan on heading back in a couple weeks to try again. In the mean time Im playing hookey from work one day next week to give it a try here in Maryland.