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Old 04-25-2006, 02:40 PM
Kusko Kusko is offline
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Guns in the Mail

I need to ship a gun to Wild West Guns via USPS.__Can I just put it in it's original box, label it and ship it?__Or, should I wrap the box in butcher paper and ship it?

thanks in advance,
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Old 04-25-2006, 03:50 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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shipping guns USPS

Some Post offices think it is illegal to ship guns by mail but it is not. If it is a handgun ship the thing in its original box but then pack it in a priority mail box..preferably a flat rate priority mailing box and put insurance and delivery confirm on it. If it is a revolver take the cylinder out of it and ship it seperately in another priority mail box. if an auto put the slide bbl combo in the second box and ship. If they don't want to accept it because you don't have an FFL just tell them it is going to a licensed dealer. Shipping in two boxes like this means you can tell the PO it is just gun parts...which are accepted at any Post office....even Canada

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Old 04-25-2006, 05:40 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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What type of "Gun" do you contemplate shipping? Since I helped write the current USPS regulations on Mailability, it makes a difference what you are intending to mail. If it is a long gun, rifle or shotgun, is unloaded, and properly packaged, it is mailable.

Skeet: Handguns are UNMAILABLE MATTER for other than licensed dealers, police departments, and the few others listed in the Postal Regulations. Your cute "Two box" scenario is a violation of Federal Law since the receiver is the "Firearm" Per 18 USC and a Felony. I used to work those cases and it is a crime that will, upon conviction, make the violator a prohibited person from ANY future gun ownership. Savvy?

Adam Helmer
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Old 04-25-2006, 10:19 PM
Jack Jack is offline
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DO NOT wrap your package in butcher paper or any other kind of paper. Many shippers will refuse paper wrapped packages. The reason? Has nothing to do with guns- if the paper gets ripped, or wet and comes off, the label goes with it- and the shipper has no idea where to send ot, or who to return it to.
Put your shipping label directly on the box you ship in.
As to what's legal and what's not- sounds like Adam knows.
Many of the local 'Mom & Pop' gun shops do a thriving business in shipping firearms for people, and do it quickly and efficiently (and legally) for a nominal fee.
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Old 04-26-2006, 12:19 PM
skeet skeet is offline
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Handguns etc

Read the original post. He evidently is sending it to a licensed firearms establishment. The scenario I gave was suggested to me by non other than Ruger Arms Company. I think that you can send the firearms to any licensed establishment. Even UPS realizes that a firearms company is licensed....well usually they do. As far as the postal regs....well the people that work for the USPS REALLY don't know the most post offices. Maybe you should give classes to the Postal employees on the regs. BTW I also know that the US has probably the best Postal Service in the world!

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
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Old 04-26-2006, 06:04 PM
Adam Helmer Adam Helmer is offline
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I agree with you, many Postal clerks do not know the Postal Regulations contained in the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) regarding mailability of firearms. I can't do classes on the regulations I helped write since I am retired.

My only point in my prior post was to help good folks avoid legal hassles about mailing guns. I suggest anyone wishing to mail a gun go to their local Post Office and read Section 140 of the DMM which closely follows the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968. Long guns are mailable, but handguns have certain restrictions that I suggest all folks follow closely. I have not read the DMM lately, so read and be guided accordingly. Be well.

Adam Helmer
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Old 05-01-2006, 08:57 AM
model 70 model 70 is offline
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well being in the shipping/recieving field may i suggest you take your gun to a UPS store? they'll ship it for you. i will also suggest you box it up yourself and tape the ends securely. here at the company i work for the owner has me ship rifles and handguns fairly often.
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